Friends of Mt Majura (FoMM) are exited to announce a Weed Management Plan for The Fair. The Plan was developed with FoMM to help manage priority weeds at The Fair using funding from the Restoration program under the Conserving Canberra Budget 2023-2025.
Over more than a decade Friends of Mt Majura worked to improve degraded grassy woodland in the nature reserve east of The Fair. In 2024 the group applied successfully for an ACT Environment Grant to manage high priority weeds St John’s Wort, Chilean Needle Grass, Serrated Tussock, African Lovegrass, and Sweet Vernal Grass which have spread beyond the capacity of volunteers to manage them during the past years particularly the three consecutive LaNina events of 2020-2023.
However, these highly invasive species, listed or nominated as Weeds of National Significance, require a long term approach rather than one-off or ad-hoc actions and a concerted effort of all parties involved with the protection and improvement of conservation values in the nature reserve.
Thus the idea was born of a Plan that guides and integrates weed management activities beyond one year.
We are looking forward to cooperatively work with staff of the Office of Nature Conservation and the Parks and Conservation Service to implement the Plan.