Autumn Planting and Rabbit Wrap up (17 May 2009)

When: Sunday, 17 May 2009, from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm
Where: meet at the lower Hackett reservoir off Rivett and French Streets, Hackett
View this map for the meeting point and project area
Bring & Wear: Sun protection, sturdy boots, garden gloves and a bucket
Enquiries: ph 6247 7515 or e-mail

Join us for morning tea and the planting of a wildlife corridor of native shrubs. Please be early for an introduction and give as little or as  much time as you want.

Parks, Conservation and Lands (PCL) and the Majura Scouts will organize a lunch time BBQ starting at 12.00pm to thank volunteers involved with  the planting and with the mapping of rabbit warrens on Mount Majura nad Mount Ainslie. There will be information on current work to contraol rabbits in the reserves. Volunteers who want to attend the BBQ are asked to RSVP to

Drainage lines and gullies with their diverse and well structured vegetation provide habitat for native wildlife. The lower parts of some of the drainage lines however have become overgrown with weeds and the large rabbit population on Mt Majura has prevented regeneration of many native shrubs, trees and ground cover plants which in turn helped weeds to spread.

Starting in 2004 Friends of Mt Majura removed a huge amount of woody weeds from the drain line that runs through the paddock and passes the water reservoir. During a number of working bees volunteers planted native shrubs and ground cover plants along the edges of the drain ditch between residential backyards and the water reservoir.

On the working bee we will extend the planting to the upper part of the drain line. We hope that the rabbit control begun earlier this year will greatly benefit natural and assisted regeneration of the area and will boost the chance of young native seedlings to prosper and thrive.

Love your local bush land?
Want to help protect it?
Enjoy outdoor activity?
Learn about the environment?
Have fun and meet people?

Come to our
Working Bee
Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM)

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