Bug Walk


A tiny white camouflaged moth by Ian Gordon

Join Ian Gordon a macro-photography enthusiast with a sharp eye and keen interest in tiny creatures. Try to decode camouflage and train your eyes to locate small creatures – orb weaving spiders, lady bugs, parasitic wasps, caterpillars, plant hoppers…… What will you spot?

It is wonderful to be aware of the diverse range of creatures, large and small which live in a healthy Yellow Box woodland. Ian’s interest stems from Macro photography. When he finds an unusual bug he goes online to identify and research it.  He says that he is not an ‘expert’ but that he does have a keen interest. Recently he has noticed activity in the insect world and that the bugs are starting to stir. He spotted a lot of small orb weaving spiders, a few lady beetles and small parasitic wasps, and even a couple of caterpillars and a plant hopper.

Any age welcome – it really boils down to interest in looking for and finding miniature and often disguised and camouflaged arthropods.

Magnifying glasses/hand lenses, not necessary but really depends on the individual’s eye sight.

When: Sunday 11 October 10am – 12 noon

Where:  Majura Paddock. Exact meeting point to be given to registered participants.

Numbers limited bookings essential: 6248 8955 or secretary@majura.org
Wear sun protection and covered shoes.

Link to the Bug walk poster

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