Collection of Clustered Everlasting seeds

Clustered Everlasting Chrysocephalum semipapposum seeding rs DSCN6422

Seeding Clustered Everlastings (W.Pix)

The seed crop of Clustered Everlastings, Chrysocephalum semipapposum is at peak. If you have an hour of spare time in the morning of either Friday or Sunday please come along and help harvesting.
When: Friday, 23rd January 10-11am, and/or Sunday, 25th January 10-11.30am.
Where: Meet at nature park entrance at The Fair, intersection Tay St and Ian Nicol St, North Watson.
Bring: Sun protection, good shoes.
Enquiries: Waltraud at 6247 7515

The perennial forb Clustered Everlasting is one of the few ground cover species that is not grazed by kangaroos and rabbits. We use the species to re-vegetate degraded sites that have a high presence of herbivores such as the grassy woodland behind The Fair in North Watson, the Majura paddock and the old sheep camp at Mt Majura’s ridge.

Clustered Everlastings Chrysocephalum semipapposum

Nature’s Floriade on a summer day: Clustered Everlastings on Mount Majura (W. Pix).



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