Paterson’s Curse Bash on Sunday 4th November 2012

This is the story of Paterson’s Curse at its last stronghold in the Majura paddock.
(Photographs Waltraud Pix and Zlatka Seserko)

Paterson’s Curse infested grassy woodland site on the 22nd October 2012 Before volunteers started hand weeding.

And the same site on the 6th November 2012 After volunteers removed the Curse.

Its all in here…

Peter in action.

And the removal crew that tackled the Curse on a beautiful Sunday morning (from left) Louisa, Krzysztof, Peter, Waltraud, Stephen, and taking the photo Zlatka.

And this is why.
Removing competitive Paterson’s Curse encourages growth of native ground cover plants such as these yellow flowering Common Everlastings, Chrysocephalum apiculatum at the north east corner of the Majura paddock (06.11.2012).

Enhancing grassy woodland at the Majura paddock – read more



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