End-of-the-Year Working Party (21/12/2014)

Horehound at Majura paddock (W.Pix 3.12.2014)

Join the Friends of Mt Majura working party on Sunday, 21 December and help remove Honeysuckle in the drainage line close to the Hackett reservoir and horehound around the plantings in the nearby Majura Paddock. Give half an hour or more: you will make a difference.

When: Sunday 21 December, 8am to 12noon
Where: Meet at ParkCare notice board opposite of the water reservoir off Rivett Street and French Street intersection (view this map).
Bring: Sun protection, body covering garden clothing and sturdy shoes.
Inquiries: secretary@majura.org or ph. 6247 7515

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Vines of Japanese Honeysuckle choking Spike-rush in the upper section of the drainage line adjacent to the Hackett reservoir (W.Pix 3.12.2014).

Japanese Honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica originates from Japan and Korea and is a declared pest plant in the ACT. The vigorous vine can completely smother native vegetation in wetter sites such as drainage lines and gullies. It is one of the most difficult to remove woody weeds since each individual vine has to be pulled out or cut and painted with Glyphosate. Unfortunately it  is still cultivated in gardens where it can be seen scrambling over fences. Seeds are dispersed by birds or by dumping stems with garden debris.

In 2004 Friends of Mt Majura started removing an assemblage of woody weeds from the drainage line  and followed up with the planting of local shrubs and direct seeding of native rushes, sedges and grasses. The below photographs show sections of the drainage line in 2004 before work started (top) and in 2013 after weed removal and planting (bottom).

Drainage line overgrown with Honeysuckle, Privet and Ivy (W.Pix 3.11.2004)

Drainage line (W.Pix 14.11.2013)

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