FoMM Newsletter October 2011

Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) October 2011 Newsletter (pdf)

  • Spring Working Party – Sunday 16 October
  • Wildflower Walk – Sunday 30 October
  • Bird Walk – Sunday 13 November
  • Woody Weeds Working Party – Sunday 20 November
  • Native Plant Sale – Saturday 22 October
  • Weed Swap – Weekend 5/6 November
  • Review of National Capital Open Space System – closes Friday 28 October

Dear Friends

Who of you remembers how the Majura paddock looked like a couple of years ago? The tree-cleared area was purple (Paterson’s Curse) in spring, yellow (Hedge Mustard) in summer and horehound covered the ground under the trees all year round. Recent monitoring of the Majura paddock revealed two (!) lonely Paterson’s Curse plants and a great reduction of the yellow cohort of Hedge Mustard, Cape Weed and Flatweed as well as of the impertinent horehound. What a difference we made! Caring for our seedlings and protecting them from grazing will be the main focus at our monthly working party on 16 October. Click on this seedling to see what happened after it lost its guard; there are simple methods to prevent this damage.

October is a great time for wildflower lovers. Celebrate spring with a guided wildflower ramble on Black Mountain on Saturday, 15 October (meet at 9.30am at the Belconnen Way entry, for enquiries phone Jean at 62511601) or enjoy the floriade of Mount Majura on a guided walk on Sunday, 30 October (details below). FoMM’s growing Flickr groups feature superb photographs of wildflowers (and other values) of the mountain – it’s worth a visit

Are you keen to grow your own native floriade? The Australian Native Plants Society holds its Spring Sale on Saturday, 22nd October, and there is an opportunity to swap backyard weeds for free Australian plants at the biannual Weed Swap on the first weekend in November; see below for further details.

What’s up in November. Ornithologist Terry Munro will lead a bird walk on Saturday, 13 November. Places are limited and booking is essential. The Watson Woodland Working Group will join us to tackle woody weeds at the north-west slope of Mount Majura at our monthly working party on Sunday, 20 November. Please find details of the events below and visit our website to view maps and photographs.

What do you value about Mount Majura? The National Capital Authority (NCA) undertakes a review of the National Capital Open Space System (NCOSS) and invites public input until Friday, 28 October. NCOSS includes the inner hills and ridges that frame urban Canberra, the lakes and river corridors and the distant mountains. The Canberra Nature Park reserves are part of the Hills, Ridges and Buffer component of the NCOSS. Visit the NCA consultation website at for more information and to provide input. There are a number of ways to contribute: complete a less-than-a-minute short survey about what you value, join a conversation about the NCOSS, or provide a submission to the NCOSS discussion paper. You can comment on the whole open space system, or select an area, which you value. I am concerned about the impact of encroaching development and increasing recreation activities on the natural values of Canberra Nature Park reserves; in regard to Mt Majura and Mt Ainslie my greatest concern is Monash Drive which is still on the table, respectively on the National Capital Plan because the NCA has refused to take it off. I hope you will find the time to comment.

Warm regards
P 62477515
6 October 2011

Spring Working Party – Sunday 16 October
Sunday, 16 October, 9am to 12noon
Meet at the Hackett water reservoir close to the Rivett and French Streets intersection.
Please bring sun protection, sturdy shoes, long sleeve and pants and garden gloves if you have them.
Tools and morning tea will be provided.
Give the seedlings planted on National Tree Day a head start for spring by mulching and weeding.

  • Mulch suppresses weeds, retains moisture levels and keeps the protective guards in place.
  • Weed removal around the seedlings minimizes competition for nutrients, light and water.

Enquiries and more information:

Wildflower Walk – Sunday 30 October
Sunday, 30 October, 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm
Meet at the nature park entrance Mackenzie Street, near Grayson Street junction.
Enjoy a spring Floriade on the mountain at this delightful walk with local ecologist Michael Doherty. The walk will highlight the different species found in grassland, woodland and open forest. Please bring sun protection, water, good walking shoes, and a magnifying glass if you have one.An updated flora list is available for a donation.
Enquiries and more information:

Bird Walk – Sunday 13 November
Sunday, 13 November, 8.30 am to 10.30 am
Join ornithologist Terry Munro for an early morning walk to observe and hear some of the many birds that call Mount Majura and Mount Ainslie home. Bring sun protection, sturdy shoes, binoculars, if you have them and a gold coin for a species list and a pocket guide.
Limited places! Booking essential!
Booking and enquiries
: Phone 6247 7684 or Email

Woody Weeds Working Party – Sunday 20 November
Sunday, 20 November 2011, 9.00 am – 12.00 noon
Mt Majura nature park off Antill Street south of “The Fair” construction site, north Watson
Access and car parking opposite Prime TV; walk along the horse track towards “The Fair” until you hit the PCS trailer; click on this map to view the meeting point and working area. Note: due to stormwater augmentation work, the nature park access and car park further north will be not accessible until further notice.
What: Cut-&-daub Sweet Briar, hawthorns, and frilling of Cootamundra wattles.
Bring: Sun protection, appropriate shoes, body-covering clothing; tools and morning tea will be provided.
Please come early for an introduction.
Enquiries and more information:
visit closer to the date

Native Plant Sale – Saturday 22 October
The Australian Native Plants Society holds a Spring Sale of native plants on Saturday, 22nd October from 8.30 am to 2.00 pm at the Southern Car Park of the Australian National Botanic Gardens. A wide range of plants including local species suitable for Canberra climate will be available for $4.00 – $7.00 each. View a list of plants for sale at

Weed Swap – Weekend 5/6 November
Take advantage of the Spring Weed Swap and swap your backyard weeds for free Australian native plants on the weekend 5th and 6th November 2011. Weed Swap is held in Autumn and Spring each year by the ACT Parks and Conservation Service in conjunction with the Australian Natives Plants Society. For more information visit or call Canberra Connect 13 22 81; learn about woody weeds invading our nature reserves and what you can do about it at

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