Welcome to the August 2015 edition of the FoMM newsletter. Considerable head way has been made at the Fair over the past weeks: 250 trees, shrubs and ground covers planted, deep watered and mulched; hand weeding of Paterson’s Curse to reduce competition; placement of much woody debris around the new seedlings to reduce grazing damage; patches of compacted soil scarified to allow water penetration and ultimately growth of plants (hopefully not only weeds); direct seeding of native grasses and daisies; and the spreading of a light cover of wood chips to minimise erosion. A big thank you to all the volunteers who have helped and to the Green Army team coordinated by the Molonglo Catchment Group which has assisted enormously. Come to our working party this month and help us maintain all this good work!
See you on the mountain.
Jo Lynch
FoMM Secretary
FoMM volunteers planting at the July working bee at The Fair. (J. Lynch)
FoMM activities and news:
Fair Working Party – Sunday 16 August 1-4pm
Give the seedlings planted on Mount Majura a head start for spring! 250 native shrubs, trees and wildflowers added to the The Fair plantings this winter will provide crucial habitat for little woodland birds. Until fully established, the young plants require protection from extraordinary grazing pressure and weed competition. Join in to help layer debris of woody weeds that we cut in the area and to hand-weed pesky Paterson’s Curse around the young plants. Please come early for an introduction and give as much time as you want.
Where: east of The Fair, North Watson; volunteer registration nature park access Ian Nicol St and Tay St intersection
Bring and Wear: Sun protection, appropriate clothing and sturdy shoes; we provide tools, gloves and afternoon tea.
Inquiries: Ph. 6247 7515 or reply to this email.
Early Wattle (Acacia genistifolia) in full flower recently at the Fair, North Watson. (W.Pix).
SAVE THE DATE: Community Voices in Reserve Management Forum – Friday 11 and Saturday 12 September
This free forum is an opportunity for community volunteers and interested reserve neighbours and users to share experiences and research in ACT parks and reserves with each other, Parks staff and the wider Landcare network. The Saturday will involve a half-day field trip. Under the general themes of Biodiversity and Conservation and People and Partnerships, the organisers are calling for abstracts of 250-300 words from individuals and groups that address the theme of the forum and will deliver inspiring, thought provoking and insightful presentations for an audience of approximately 60 people. Abstracts are to be sent to this email. Registrations will open next month when the program is confirmed.
Other items of interest:
CANOPY exhibition at the Australian National Botanic Gardens – until 28 August
The Mt Ainslie Weeders invite you to attend this exhibition of drawings and prints by renowned Canberra artist John Pratt. John was a founding member of the Mt Ainslie Weeders Park Care group and the exhibition features works inspired by the flora and fauna of Mount Ainslie and the artist’s connection to this local nature park. Opening hours: daily 9.30am to 4.30pm. All works are for sale and the proceeds go towards revegetation efforts by the Mt Ainslie Weeders. Raffle tickets for one of John’s works are available throughout the exhibition. For more information contact this email.
Share your views about waterways in our region and go into a $5000 prize draw
What goes down the drains at your house? Do you walk, swim, bike ride, or spend time with family around our region’s lakes, rivers and wetlands? What do you think of the quality of water in the lakes, rivers and wetlands you spend time around? University of Canberra researchers are asking residents of the ACT, Queanbeyan, Yass, Cooma-Monaro and Palerang to take part in an online survey that asks your views about water quality and local waterways, and the things you do that can affect water quality. Do the survey at www.betterwater.net.au. The survey will inform design of strategies to improve water quality and to maintain and enhance the social benefits of waterways. The survey will take around 15 minutes to complete. If you complete the survey by August 14th, you can enter the prize draw: first prize is a $1,000 gift card, with 8 runner-up $500 gift cards.
Black Mountain spring wildflower ramble – Saturday 10 October 9.30am – 12 noon.
Celebrate the spring flowering and discover the diversity of tiny orchids, bush peas, wattles and billy buttons on easy bush tracks with experienced guides. BYO morning tea, water, hat, sunblock and stout shoes. Booking essential. Contact this email or Jean Geue on Ph. 62511601