Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) Newsletter – June 2019

Working party @ The Fair – Sunday 16 June 2019, 10am – 3pm
Join in this working party at The Fair and help spread mulch around the plantings. Give as much time as you like.
Where: Nature reserve east of The Fair, North Watson; access and volunteer registration at park entrance Tay / Ian Nicol Streets; view this map.
Bring: Garden gloves, sun protection, drinking water and wear sturdy shoes.
Enquiries: Email
Mobile during the event: 0435 357 172
Click here for more information about The Fair project.

The winter-flowering Spreading Wattle, Acacia genistifolia provides excellent habitat for birds and spiders and is one of the local species that volunteers planted at The Fair to replace Sweet Briar roses and other woody weeds. (Photo: Waltraud Pix)

Bird Walk Report from Sunday 5 May – by Jenni Marsh
Peter Miller led sixteen other bird enthusiasts through bushland uphill from ‘The Fair’ on an interesting and productive bird walk. The group included Robyn (with a group of friends), whose wish was to spot a Robin on her birthday bird walk, and a five-year-old budding naturalist who was interested in birds and things closer to the ground.  He was excited to spot a number of large pupa cases of rain moths (Abantiades atipalpis) which had emerged from the ground after recent rain. Robyn was overjoyed to sight several male Scarlet robins with bright red breasts perched in brilliant sunshine on the tips of branches high up in bleached tree skeletons, and a few less conspicuous female robins lower down. We listened for and located several mixed feeding flocks, which included spotted and striated pardalotes, weebills, thornbills, eastern spinebills, white-eared honeyeaters, golden whistlers etc, which were feeding high in the canopy and amongst dense mistletoe foliage. Read more.

Bird walkers casting long shadows on a brilliant autumn morning. (Photo: Jenni Marsh)

The first of three videos on the ACT government website, with information on the kangaroo culling this year, features The Fair and our work along with aerial views of the area – see our own Waltraud Pix interviewed about the impacts of Kangaroo overgrazing on Mt Majura. Watch here.
Other news and events:
First Aid Training – Tuesday 11 June 2019 at Curtin
ACT Parks and Conservation Service values the safety of all ParkCare Volunteers, so we like to make sure that there are suitably qualified first aiders at volunteer activities. We will be running First Aid Training for ParkCare volunteers. This will be a full day course, and there is an online pre-learning component to the training. Priority will be given to volunteers who are active in roles where first aid training is desirable for the volunteer activity. There is no cost to attend this training as it is fully subsidised by ACT Parks and Conservation Service for active ParkCare volunteers. You can sign up through the ParkCare Hub, or by emailing Volunteer Programs Manager Alison McLeod here.
AQF3 ChemCert Training – Wednesday 12 June 2019 at Stromlo PCS Depot, Weston
ACT Parks and Conservation Service is offering an opportunity for active volunteers to participate in a ChemCert course (AQF3). This course will qualify you to use herbicides in approved volunteer activities and also to supervise the use of low risk chemical application by other volunteers at these activities in accordance with the ACT Parks and Conservation Service Volunteer Policy. Places are limited and we ask that you only register for this training if you are committed to attending the course. Priority will be given to volunteers who are active in roles where AQF 3 Chemcert training is desirable for the volunteer activity. There is no cost to attend this training as it is fully subsidised by ACT Parks and Conservation Service for active ParkCare volunteers. You can sign up through the ParkCare Hub, or by emailing Volunteer Programs Manager Alison McLeod here.
Invasive species discussion paper consultations open
The ACT government has opened consultations on a discussion paper on managing invasive species. The Government plans to declare another 380 animals as pests and now requiring licences for another 78 animals. You can comment on the invasive animal species that have been proposed for listing on the Pest Animals Declaration. Read more.

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