Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) Newsletter – June 2021


An exciting continuing FoMM activity has been the establishment of seed nodes – a ‘Noah’s Ark’ project to plant herbaceous wildflowers (forbs) to establish a future seed bank in fenced-off areas which protect young plants from grazing by rabbits and kangaroos. Four fenced plots were established last year, the soil deep-rip ploughed and planted with seedlings propagated by Greening Australia.

A short video explaining how the ‘Noah’s Ark’ planting plots were created. Click above to open the Flickr link to the video and then click the play button.
The project was supported by a grant from the Commonwealth Department of the Environment and private donors. In the good growth season last year, seedlings thrived, although some seasonal species, like Bulbine Lily are currently not visible. Our June working party will plant more forb seedlings in the seed nodes.

When: This Sunday 6 June from 1.00pm (or Sunday 13 June, in case of bad weather – check the website for updates).

Where: The Fair, North Watson. Register at the nature park entrance near Tay and Ian Nicol streets

Bring: drinking water, sun protection; a trowel and gloves if you have them. We will provide gloves and tools if you don’t, as well as hand sanitiser.

No experience necessary, but please arrive close to 1pm if you need instruction in how to plant. Afternoon tea provided. More information

World War I recruitment posters are not exactly appropriate for FoMM volunteering, and our understanding of ‘country’ is now more nuanced and informed. But we still need you! 295 people subscribe to this newsletter but numbers participating in our working bees are small and the core group of volunteers is getting tired.

If you enjoy the experience of Mount Majura, please join us at one of our monthly Sunday afternoon working parties (in winter; mornings in summer) or the weekly Monday mornings at The Fair. No prior experience in Park Care is necessary; it’s a happy social occasion with like-minded volunteers who sometimes share delicious home-made cake.

It’s also a low-key learning experience. As someone who enjoyed walking on Mt Majura, I chose to join in FoMM activities more than ten years ago to give something back to the nature reserve. When I started, I could recognise weeds such as Paterson’s Curse, nightshade and briar roses but knew nothing about local native species. I have been privileged to be shown where rare orchids are growing on Mount Majura since becoming an active participant in FoMM activities. If you also love having Mt Majura in your backyard, please join us in these activities. If our numbers don’t increase, there is a chance Friends of Mt Majura may fold, and that would be very sad.

Margy Burn, FoMM Secretary.


On a glorious autumn May afternoon a group of scouts, cubs and joeys, their parents and scout leaders planted herbaceous wildflowers and trees on the Fair site at the nature park. The children were energetic and enthusiastic and it was a joy for FoMM volunteers to work with them.  Rebecca Vassarotti, Minister for the Environment and a local member for Kurrajong joined the group.


Twenty-eight Friends of Mt Majura enjoyed the bird walk led by Peter Miller on 9 May. This was a family-friendly occasion with several children and an extraordinarily well-behaved blue heeler dog, which was completely silent on the walk. The group observed some 30 bird species, including Common Bronzewing, Weebill, Yellow-rumped Thornbill, Dusky Woodswallow, Spotted Pardalote, Gang Gang, Rufous Whistler, Yellow-faced Honeyeater, Black-faced Cuckooshrike, Red Wattlebird, Pied Currawong, Magpie Lark, Fuscous Honeyeater as well as Silvereye, Galah, Raven, Magpie, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Eastern Rosella, Superb Fairy-wren, Grey fantail and Scarlet Robin.

Photos by Max Pouwer.  First photo is Peter guiding the group. Next is a Whitewing Chough Mud Nest

Each week a group of volunteers meets at the Fair site, which has been transformed by our dedicated work over many years. As well as weed removal, we have planted local trees, shrubs and ground covers, along with several varieties of native grasses.

Currently we are weeding the seed nodes in preparation for more planting on 6 June; also roaming the site to remove other weeds, such as new small rosettes of Paterson’s curse.

And we sometimes enjoy cake, including this lemon tender cake with a blueberry compote, a delicious vegan recipe from Nigella Lawson.

Join us anytime between 9.30 and 12.30 on Monday mornings. We meet at the nature park entrance close to Tay and Ian Nicol Street, North Watson.

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