Trees in urban areas
The ACT Government is introducing new tree management legislation to replace the Tree Protection Act 2005. The draft Urban Forest Bill has been released for public consultation until 2 June 2022.
Information about the bill can be found at
The bill proposes to protect all trees on public land. Trees on private (leased) land will be protected if they are 8m+, have a canopy width of 8m+ and/or have a trunk circumference of 1m+ at 1.4m above ground. When trees are approved for removal on private property, they will need to be replaced – usually on the same property. Where it is not possible to plant new trees, money must be paid to a canopy contributions fund to support planting, maintenance and renewal of trees on public land.
The Suburban Land Agency is developing a guide for Canberra residents on planting trees in their gardens. To make suggestions about suitable trees, with canopies ranging from 5-12 metres, email More information |