Friends Of Mount Majura (FoMM) Newsletter – September 2019

Work Party @ The Fair – Sunday 15 September 2019 1pm to 4pm
Come along and choose your pet activity at this FoMM working party. Go on weed patrol and tackle Paterson’s Curse; spread wood chip mulch across bare ground; or place woody debris around new National Tree Day plantings. Give as much time as you like. There has been much progress since FoMM began work in the reserve east of The Fair in 2012; visit this page to see some of the spectacular results.
Where: Nature reserve east of The Fair, North Watson; access and volunteer registration at park entrance Tay / Ian Nicol Streets; view this map.
Bring and wear: Garden gloves, sun protection, drinking water and wear sturdy shoes.
Enquiries: Email

Click here for more information.

Mulching is an effective measure to improve the survival rate of plants and the general health of a site degraded by overgrazing and compaction. (Photo: Steve Bittinger)

Other news and events:

Upcoming Parkcare Training and Events
11 September – Fringe Forum #3
26 September – AQF3 Chemcert training (fully subsidised) 8:30am – 4:30pm (note- this course is for regular volunteers who have demonstrated a commitment to ParkCare, priority will be given to these volunteers).
17 October – First Aid Training
You can view the schedule in the documents section of the ParkCare Hub. The training activities will be open for registration (and visible as activities on the Hub) at around 4 weeks prior to each activity. FoMM needs a few more active weed sprayers, so please consider undertaking the Chemcert Training course!

Restoring box gum grassy woodlands – Threatened Species Recovery Hub, 1 July 2019
It was once possible to walk from Melbourne to Sydney through almost continuous grassy woodland. Today most of these temperate woodlands have gone. A team at The Australian National University have been studying woodland restoration and management for the past 20 years and have embarked on a series of new experiments to investigate bird breeding success, noisy miner control, hollow supplementation and wildflower translocation. Drs David Lindenmayer and Daniel Florance provide an update on their latest research findings and activities. Read more.

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