Working Party at The Fair (18/08/2013)

Give the seedlings planted on Mount Majura a head start for spring.

Join the Friends of Mount Majura working party at the National Tree Day planting area behind The Fair in North Watson.

Activities will include the control of Paterson’s Curse and other herbaceous weeds around the young plants, direct seeding of native grass and maintenance of tree guards.

When: Sunday 18 August 2013, from 9am to 12.30 pm; come for an hour or the whole time.

Where: access nature park entrance intersection Tay Street and Ian Nicol Street, The Fair, North Watson, or Antill Street roughly opposite Carotel for a 5 minutes’ walk to the planting area; view this map.

Bring: Sun protection, sturdy shoes, long sleeve and pants and garden gloves if you have them.

Enquiries: phone 6247 7515 or email
Promote the working party – download this poster


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