Friends of Mount Majura AGM (09/10/2013)

Friends of Mount Majura will hold its first Annual General Meeting.
Come along. Everyone is welcome!

Wednesday 9 October 2013, 7.30pm to 9.00pm
ACT Sportshouse 100 Maitland St, Hackett

A group of FoMM members has worked hard over the last year to develop a new structure for FoMM with the aim of distributing the workload by involving more people in its day-to-day organisation and activities. We now have a constitution and an interim committee, including a Convenor, a Secretary, a Coordinator, a Treasurer, a Website Manager, an Advisor and a Walks Organizer.
We would like to take the opportunity of this Annual General Meeting to review FoMM’s activities over the last 10 years, to discuss FoMMs new structure with you and to formally elect a committee. If you are interested, we wholeheartedly invite you to consider joining this new committee and to contribute in any way you see fit. As a guest speaker we have invited Michael Mulvaney, ACT Conservation, Research and Planning, to introduce us to the Rare Plants of Mount Majura.

Twining Fringe Lily, Thysanotus patersonii, a rare plant species of Mount Majura.
Photograph Waltraud Pix 23.10.05

Guest Speaker
Dr. Michael Mulvaney
ACT Conservation, Research and Planning

Rare Plants of Mt Majura

What are they and where are they?
Close to 250 native species are recorded on Mount Majura and neighbouring Mount Ainslie and close to 30 are rare or endangered.

Information from surveying the presence and abundance of rare plant species within the nature reserve will guide management, planning, development and conservation decisions.

FoMM AGM poster

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