Friends of Mt Majura (F0MM) Newsletter – July 2021


Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) are not hibernating during winter. Please join us for a massacre to tackle horehound in the paddock north of the Hackett water tank. Give as much or as little time as you want and be amazed at what you can achieve.

When: Sunday 18 July 1-4pm

Where: Majura paddock north of the Hackett reservoir off Rivett/French Streets; see the map below

Bring and wear: Appropriate clothing for the weather, garden gloves if you have them. We will provide tools, gloves, hand sanitiser and delicious home-made cake for afternoon tea.

FoMM volunteers have removed many weeds in the paddock near the Hackett reservoir and planted native grasses, shrubs and wildflowers to assist the restoration of grassy woodland and provide habitat for wildlife. Horehound seeds have germinated and grown vigorously in the recent La Nina weather conditions. Horehound is easy to identify and remove. Hand-pulling the young plants now will prevent further seeds being deposited in the soil. This is a family friendly activity – children are welcome. More information is on our website

Tree Walk Sunday 1st August 2021

Celebrate National Tree Day with a tree walk. Local ecologist Michael Doherty will introduce you to many tree species that occur on Mount Majura and Mount Ainslie including Snow Gum, Eucalyptus pauciflora, which grow only at a few sites. On this information-packed walk, you will learn how to identify Mount Majura’s woodland and forest trees, see where they occur and hear how they survive fire and drought.

When: Sunday, 1 August 2021, 2.00 – 4.00pm

Where: Meet at the nature park entrance, Mackenzie Street near Grayson Street, Hackett.

Wear and bring: Sun protection, appropriate clothing for the weather, sturdy shoes and drinking water.

No booking required. A tree guides species list will be available for a gold coin donation. Enquiries: More information is on our website

Eucalyptus pauciflora (Snow Gum) from the Trees of Mt Majura Flickr stream

Mondays at the Fair

Each week a group of volunteers meets at the Fair site, which has been transformed by our dedicated work over many years. As well as weed removal, we have planted local trees, shrubs and wild flowers, along with several varieties of native grasses, plus mulched significant areas to improve soil structure and moisture retention.

Join us anytime between 9.30 and 12.30 on Monday mornings. We meet at the nature park entrance close to Tay and Ian Nicol Street, North Watson.

Monday volunteers removing horehound and other weeds from an old stock camp uphill from the Fair. (Photo Margy Burn)


The latest advice from Parks & Conservation Service for Parkcare volunteers is:

  • Stay at home if you are unwell
  • Do not go to nature reserves if you have visited Greater Sydney on or after 21 June 2021
  • If you have been interstate in the past 14 days, please check the relevant website for details on exposure locations and relevant directions – the information is regularly updated
  • You must sign in on the activity registration sheet including providing a contact telephone number

Facemasks are not required for working outdoors, where appropriate physical distancing can be maintained. FoMM has a small supply of disposable facemasks and nitrile gloves and provides hand sanitiser. You are encouraged to bring your own tools and gloves if you have them. FoMM provides some tools which are cleaned regularly.

On Air With 2XX Radio Landcare

Max Pouwer and Margy Burn were guests on the Radio Landcare program on 29 June. Radio Landcare broadcasts from 9.00 am to 10.00 am on Tuesdays on 2XX Canberra, FM 98.3. The show promotes and reports on landcare activities, processes and resources with a focus on both local and global environmental issues and horticulture. It interviews stakeholders including on-the-ground volunteers, coordinators, businesses and those with scientific and technical backgrounds. More information

Max Pouwer in the 2XX studio with Radio Landcare presenters Tom Baker and Margaret Piper (photo Margy Burn).

Last Chance! Parks and Reserves Survey

Visitors to national parks, reserves and forests are encouraged to respond to the ACT government’s survey . The survey, to gather information about visitors, their motivation and satisfaction for planning enhancements, closes on 25 July.

Comments are closed.