Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) Newsletter June 2011

Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) Newsletter June 2011 (pdf)

  • Working party Majura Paddock – Sunday 19 June
  • FoMM draft program 2011
  • Centenary Trail FoMM meeting – Friday 10 June
  • Proposed Development at Throsby threatens Endangered Grassy Woodland
  • Canberra Nature Park Inquiry – more reports released

Dear Friends

Thank you everyone who helped planting She-oaks at the old sheep camp in May and indeed many thanks for the hard work over the past six years to restore this weedy stock camp. The five hectare site at the Majura ridge has changed dramatically since we began work in October 2004. At our spot-light walks last year we observed Sugar-gliders feeding on the sap of She-oaks; so by planting strips of She-oak that connect with denser patches of the forest we hope that these agile entertaining mammals will be thriving and gliding for years to come.

Downhill we are well on track to transform the degraded and weed-infested Majura paddock into a rich native wildlife habitat. We’ve removed a large amount of woody weeds along the drainage line and tackled abundant Paterson’s Curse in the cleared sites and horehound at the wooded parts of the paddock. We planted local trees and shrubs grown from locally collected seeds and we direct-seeded ground cover plants at freshly weeded sites. In 2008/09 and 2009/10 we assisted Parks and Conservation Service with controlling rabbits that prevent the natural regeneration of shrubs and trees.

Unfortunately rabbits are still around and breeding and there’s a need to protect our young plants. If you can, please help making and installing wire-mesh guards at our working party on Sunday 19 June, see below for details. The good news is that Government will invest in rabbit control in the coming years and we hope Mt Majura and Mt Ainslie will be included in the program.

We’ll be extending our plantings at Majura Paddock on National Tree Day 2011 (NTD), 31 July. Shrubs such as the native boxthorn Bursaria regenerate naturally in dense clumps along drainage lines and under trees. Our planting goal is to mimic the natural pattern without compromising fire fuel requirements. We are looking for volunteers who would be available to assist novice planters at the NTD event. A ‘How to plant’ training session will be held for potential Planting Buddies at our 19 June working party following afternoon tea at 3pm and a second session will be conducted at our 17 July working bee, same time and place.

At our meeting on 22 May we discussed the FoMM calendar for the second half of 2011. Please find a draft program at – events are subject to change and confirmation.

At the meeting we formed a sub-committee that will deal with the Centenary Trail proposal; an initial meeting of the sub-committee will take place on Friday, 10 June.

The Government announced 3.3 million dollars to implement a Centenary Trail (CT), a 130km horse riding, bike riding and walking trail through large parts of Canberra Nature Park including the Mount Ainslie, Mount Majura and Black Mountain nature reserves. A feasibility report, commissioned by the Parks and Conservation Service (PCS), was prepared by CB Richard Ellis Town Planning and can be found at:
ParkCare and nature conservation groups were excluded from the development of the concept and the feasibility study. On request, PCS representatives assured FoMM, that ParkCare groups working in nature reserves which will be affected by the project will be consulted in regard to the final route alignment. The CT report proposes split tracks in some areas to avoid conflicts between user groups such as on steep hills. Click on Walk and Bike to view the suggested routes for the Mount Ainslie and Mount Majura reserves. A proposed bike track in the conservation sensitive site along the Majura dams has already been removed from the proposal following an intervention by the FoMM coordinator (FoMM and the wider public with support from rangers and an ACT Environment Grant rehabilitated this area which had been degraded by bike riding).

The planned development of the suburb Throsby in northern Gungahlin is fast approaching and concern is growing about this threat to the area’s significant natural resources. Three threatened species and ecological communities occur within the development zone (Superb Parrot, Golden Sun Moth, and Yellow Box Red Gum Grassy Woodland), with a further six woodland bird species (Swift Parrot, Hooded Robin, White-winged Triller, Varied Sittella, Regent Honeyeater and Painted Honeyeater) in the neighbouring Mulligan’s Flat & Goorooyarroo Reserves likely to suffer negative impacts. To help co-ordinate community interest and action on this issue a website ( has been established. Take a look and make up your mind about this development and its impacts.

The Office of the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment (OCSE) has released several papers for community information as part of its investigation into the Canberra Nature Park (nature reserves) including on rabbit management and off-set policy. The papers are available at:

Stay warm,
World Environment Day 2011

Working Party at the Majura paddock
Sunday, 19 June 2011 from 1pm to 4pm.
Meet at the Hackett reservoir, off Rivett and French Streets; view this map for the meeting point.
Bring and wear:
Sun protection, long sleeve and pants, sturdy shoes, and pliers if you have them. We’ll provide tools, materials and delicious afternoon tea.
Come along and learn how to make wire mesh tree guards and help install them to replace small plastic guards that the young plants have outgrown.
Friends of Mt Majura will host a National Tree Day 2011 community planting event on Sunday 31 July. We are looking for volunteers who could assist novice planters on that day. Potential Planting Buddies are requested to take part in our “How to plant a tree” introduction and training session on the Sunday, 19 June working party, following afternoon tea at about 3pm. A second training session will be held at our monthly working party on Sunday 17 July.
6247 7515 or

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