Majura Paddock Working Party 24/08/2014


Shrub plantings at the Majura Paddock  (W. Pix). Woody weeds, that once occupied the Majura paddock drainage line have been replaced with local shrub species such as native boxthorn, Cassinia and Silver wattle. The weed removal and planting of local shrubs was carried out in a staged process over a 5-years period.

Celebrate the return of the Majura paddocks to nature reserve with a working party and afternoon tea.

When: Sunday 24 August from 1.00pm to 4.00pm; come for an hour or more; tea around 2.30pm.

Where: Meet at the Hackett water reservoir close to the Rivett and French Streets intersection; view this map.

What: Hand-weed horehound and other herbaceous weeds around plantings; remove outgrown tree guards; celebrate with tea, coffee and cake at around 2.30pm.

Wear and bring: Sun protection, sturdy shoes, old garden clothing with long sleeves and pants. We’ll provide gloves and tools.

Enquiries: email or phone 62477515

Majura paddock ground cover plantings (W. Pix, Sept 2013). Once standing plants and short-lived soil-stored seeds are lost from an area, planting and direct seeding is the only way to increase the diversity of native ground cover species.

We will be removing guards only from advanced plants or plants that will have no chance to ever establish under the excessive grazing pressure.

Grazing damaged Cassinia @ Majura paddock (W.Pix 18.08.2014)

Grazing damaged Cassinia longifolia planted at the Majura paddock. The premature removal of the protective guard exposed the plant to grazing. Photo taken on the 18 August, ten days after the removal of the guard. Note the fibers at the damaged branches: the plant was not grazed by rabbits as rabbit grazing results in clear secateurs like cuts.

See more examples of heavy grazed Cassinia:

    Cassinia 3

    Cassinia 2

    Cassinia 1

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