Pre-Christmas Working Party

Broad-leaved PrivetGift an hour of your time to Mt Majura on Sunday 20 December at the Friends of Mt Majura Working Party and help remove privets and other environmental weeds that escaped nearby gardens. Residents backing nature reserve are particularly invited to check out and help tackling the most cumbersome garden escapes that stray into nature reserve.

Japanese Honeysuckle fruitsWhen: Sunday 20 December 2015, 9am-12noon

Where: Meet at the ParkCare notice board close to the Hackett water tank off Rivett/ French Streets intersection; to view the meeting point click on map.

Bring and Wear: Please BYO sun protection and wear body covering garden clothing and sturdy shoes.

You need no experience to attend this event; instructions and tools will be provided on site.

Inquiries: ph 6247 7515 or

Privet (left) and Japanese Honeysuckle (right) are common garden escapes found in drainage lines and gullies of Mt Majura. They are spread by birds which eat the fruits and drop the seeds in the nature reserve.

Privett and Japanese Honeysuckle backyard abutting nature reserve 01.02.2013 DSCN9137Japanese honeysuckle and flowering Privet in a Mackenzie Street garden abutting nature reserve; gardens particularly those abutting nature reserves are a source of continuous supply of environmental weeds.

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