Rare plant Five corners, Styphelia triflora (W.Pix 07.03.2014)
Mount Majura Nature Reserve is home to a number of rare and endangered plant species, some endemic to the ACT and some at their range distribution limit in the Territory.
What are they and where are they?
Join Dr. Michael Mulvaney, ACT Conservation, Planning and Research for a survey of Mount Majura’s rare plants.
When: Sunday, 19 October 2014, 10am – 12noon
Where: Meet at nature park entrance Antill Street roughly opposite of Carotel, North Watson; view this map
Bring and wear: sun protection, sturdy shoes, water, something to write, and a camera if you have one.
Some survey kits will be provided; the kits include a list of rare plants recorded within or in the vicinity of the Mount Majura nature reserve.
Inquires: e-mail secretary@majura.org or ph. 6247 7515
Download this poster for promotion
Information from surveying the presence and abundance of rare plants within the nature reserve will guide management, planning, development and conservation decisions. For instance the finding of protected plant species at the Majura paddocks had been considered important for the decision to return the paddocks to nature reserve.
Pictures of some of the listed rare plant species are available at Canberra Nature Map and the Rare Plant Gallery.

Prickly Moses, Acacia ulicifolia (W. Pix 06.07.2014)