


Key Dates

·   Consultation and detailed design completed.

·   Local riparian species selected and sourced or propagated.

·   Monitoring plan finalised.

·    Design finalised and signed off by stakeholders including

Parks and Conservation.

·     Seed collection and plant propagation begun.

·     Water quality and wildlife monitoring begun.

July 05

Communication and consultation plan completed and signed off.

Web site up & running.  Community notified of planned work and involvement requested. July 05

Community involvement secured and questions and issues addressed.

Increasing community interest. Sept 05

·     Review design.

·     Physical erosion control and habitat improvement.

·     Access improvement and seating.

·     Fencing and signage.

·     Boulders and logs in place according to design.

·     Access and seating in place in accordance with design.

·     Fencing and signage in place.

Sept 05

·     Review design.

·     Planting of available aquatic and littoral plants.

All areas properly planted in accordance with design with community involvement Oct 05

·     Review design.

·     First follow up planting of available aquatic, littoral  and dry land plants.

Follow up properly planted in accordance with design with community involvement. Nov 05

·     Review design.

·     Second follow up planting of available aquatic, littoral and dry land plants.

Follow up properly planted in accordance with design with community involvement. Feb 06

·     Regular maintenance work.

·     Regular monitoring of wildlife and water quality.

·     Periodic walks and talks being conducted.

·     Maintenance of fencing and signage.

·     Plants establishing.

·     Minimal plant losses.

·     Improved water quality and wildlife use increasing

·     Increased community interest.

Sept 05 onward.

·     Formal project completion.

·     Minimal maintenance of site continuing.

·     Monitoring continues.

·     Removal of fencing and signage.

·     Plants established.

·     Significant increase in wildlife use.

·     Improvement in water quality and erosion.

·     “Natural look” achieved.

·     All funds acquitted.

Summer 06

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