Come along and help collecting seeds of Redleg grass for direct seeding at the drain line revegetation site.
When: Saturday 3 March 4.00 pm to 6.00pm
Where: Small public park east of the Hackett oval between Madigan and Maitland Sts (click on map); car park at Holtze Close close to Madigan St / Phillip Ave intersection
Bring: secateurs or scissors
Enquiries: P 62477515 or E
Most native grasses of Mt Majura have a tufted or tussocky growth. Redleg Grass or Redgrass (Bothriochloa macra) however is one of the few native grass species with a spreading growth habit. Even under grazing pressure this perennial grass can persist and form a dense ground layer. These attributes make Redleg grass a desirable species for revegetation projects where bare ground and weed competition cause problems. Redleg grass is a suitable for native, less water consuming and low fertilizer lawns.
Redleg Grass is often found along road sides, public land and the nature strips of front lawns. The tips of the green leaves are maroon coloured; a few narrow, up to 12 cm long seed-heads are hold tightly together on a distinctively red stem.