Spring Working Bee and Morning Tea (21 September 2008)

Celebrate the arrival of spring with the planting of local trees and shrubs and the removal of weeds at the foot slope of the mountain. Please come early for a cuppa and an introduction.
When: Sunday, 21 September 2008, from 9.30am to 1.00pm
Where: meet at the lower Hackett Reservoir off Rivett / French Streets, Hackett
Bring & Wear:
sun protection, sturdy boots, and suitable clothing; all equipment will be provided
Planting of local shrubs along the drain line (Project Drain Line) and of trees at the steep west slope above the powerline easement (The West Slope Challenge)
ph 6247 7515 or e-mail admin@majura.org

Project Drain Line
Our plan is to rehabilitate the drain line that starts high up on the mountain, runs through the paddocks, and passes the reservoir before disappearing under the backyards of Rivett Street residences. Over time we aim to create a continuous corridor of local vegetation that links the uphill area with the lower slope.
The drain line of the lower and mid slope has become weed infested and bare of native mid storey vegetation. By now most of the woody weeds have been removed. Our future challenge will be tackling the herbaceous weeds growing at the lower slope.
Revegetation of the drain ditch close to the reservoir is well underway. We will add more shrubs and ground cover plants to stabilise the edges of the ditch.
Our plans are to extend the planting of local native shrubs such as Silver wattles, native Boxthorn and Cassinia along the drainage line that runs through the paddocks and – with permission from ACTewagl – below the powerlines.

The West Slope Challenge
The steep slope behind the reservoir and above the ACTewAGL powerlines is bare of trees. The Challenge is to establish local trees such as scribbly gums in the shallow rocky soils. This requires careful preparation of the planting sites including the creation of a miniature catchment for each individual tree seedling.

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