Flower buds of a Blakely’s Red Gum
When: Sunday, 25 August 2013, 10.30am – 12.30pm
Where: meet at the nature park entrance Mackenzie and Grayson Strs, Hackett; click on this map
Bring: Sun protection and sturdy shoes
Pocket guides are available for a gold coin donation.
Enquiries: phone 6248 8955 or email admin@majura.org
Promote the walk – poster

Smooth gum bark with Scribblies.
Join local plant ecologist Michael Doherty on a gentle and informative walk on the slopes of Mount Majura. Learn how to identify the key features of the main eucalypts, including scribbly gum, brittle gum, Blakely’s red gum, yellow box and apple box. Find out how the trees are distributed on the mountain and how they cope with fire and drought.
Learn more about Eucalypts and Wattles
View the Trees of Mount Majura; click the photographs for descriptions. Share your favourite tree photo FoMM Flickr Trees of Mount Majura.
Scribblies with a Twist
Enjoy the floating bark of Scribbly Gum viewed through Louisa’s and Michael’s fractal lenses: FrangoCamera Scribbly Gum video
The video includes a voice-over to explain what you are looking at.