Wild on Weeds Session No 5 (14/06/2020)

Wild weeders (from left) Waltraud, Adrian and Max on Sunday, 7 June.

Friends of Mt Majura host weeding sessions on Sunday afternoons in June to manually remove weeds that grow under trees. Gift a couple of hours of your time to Mt Majura in need.

Come to our next weeding session on Sunday 14 June, learn about native plants and the introduced weeds that smother the delicate locals, choose your personal tree under which to clean out weeds and let your killer instinct run free.

When: Sunday 14 June 1- 4 pm

Two Native Cherry trees freed of their exotic undergrowth.

Where: Mt Majura nature reserve south of the Fair revegetation site, please sign in at the volunteer registration table nature park entry Tay/Ian Nicol Street, The Fair, North Watson; click on this map to view the registration point and weeding area – we are making headway and will be moving further south.

Native rock ferns growing right to ….

Bring: Drinking water, a weeding trowel or small mattock and garden gloves if you have them; we will be providing alcohol cleaned tools, disposable gloves and some pairs of leather gloves.

Enquiries: projects@majura.org

… one of the next target site under a Native Cherry tree.

Mobile contact during weeding session: 0435 357 172

The weeding will be cancelled if it rains.

Many thanks to Lisa for taking the photographs shown on this page.

Please visit the previous “Wild on Weeds” announcements for more information about the reason for hand weeding and the Covid19 hygiene procedures.


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