African Olive, Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata, a common woody weed of the Mt Majura nature reserve.
A wall of woody weeds at the bottom of a creek line provides a continuous supply of bush invaders – come and help removing this source of environmental weeds on Sunday, 17 April.
When: Sunday 17 April, 9am – noon
Where: car park Mackenzie Street roughly opposite Grayson Street, Hackett; view this map.
Bring: Sun protection, body covering garden clothing
We provide the tools and morning tea.
Enquiries: secretary@majura.org
Each year volunteers of Friends of Mt Majura (FoMM) work hundreds of hours to remove environmental woody weeds from Mt Majura’s bushland (see the 2015 woody weed work report). This is an ongoing process unless the supply from of public land and gardens is interrupted.

Tackling a large African olive in the nature reserve east of Mackenzie Street (W.Pix).

A large African olive such as the one tackled in the Mt Majura nature reserve can carry several thousand fruits or potential new invaders of the reserve (W.Pix).
FoMM received permission to remove a grove of large African olives, Firethorn and Cotoneaster growing on public land that abuts the nature reserve. Rangers have talked to close by residents who are happy for the environmental weeds to be removed but who are too frail to be involved in the work.