Join the Friends of Mount Majura and the Watson Woodlanders for a woody weed hunt at the lower northwest slopes of Mount Majura.
When: Sunday, 21 March 2010, from 9.00am to 12.00 noon
Where: Meet at the nature park entrance off Antill Street opposite Carotel, North Watson (view map for meeting point).
Bring and wear: Sun protection, appropriate shoes and body-covering clothing.
What: This will be a search and destroy exercise to remove Briar Rose, hawthorn and other woody weeds.
Equipment, tea, coffee and muffins (thanks Laura!) will be provided
Enquiries: P 6247 7515, E
Print this poster for distribution.
Novice weeders are encouraged to be early for an induction on target weeds and the safe handling of equipment. You will be working in pairs, the weather will be fantastic and you will go home with a cheerful feeling because you enhanced our precious woodlands.
More information on woody weeds
Garden plants going bush. Some commonly grown plants in Canberra gardens are invading our bushland where they cause environmental damage. The “garden escapes” may be native plants that have been planted outside their natural range, or plants, which have been introduced from overseas.
Your garden may be a source of garden escapes without you realising it. Birds spread seeds in their droppings after eating the berries of privet, firethorns or cotoneasters. Some garden escapes grow from stems after being dumped as garden waste such as English Ivy, Periwinkle or Japanese Honeysuckle.
Garden escapes cause environmental problems. They smother native plants, prevent natural regeneration and change the natural balance of resources for native animals.
FoMM conducts regular working parties to control garden escapes that have invaded Mount Majura nature reserve. You can help by joining our working bees, by removing potential garden escapes from your garden and by avoiding planting them. Information on garden plants that became environmental weeds is available at our working bees.