Working Bee: Autumn Planting (20 April 2008)

When: Sunday, 20 April 2008, from 10.00am to 1.00pm
Where: meet at the lower Hackett reservoir off Rivett and French Streets, Hackett
Bring & Wear: sun protection, sturdy boots, a bucket or watering can, a mattock, if you have one.
What: planting of natives along the drain line; removal of some woody and other weeds.
ph 6247 7515 or e-mail

Join Friends of Mt Majura for a morning tea and a working bee at the drain line. We will plant Kangaroo grasses, replace a few tree seedlings at the planting site behind the reservoir and plant some Bundy along the drain that runs through the horse paddock. Work includes clearing the planting sites of weeds, digging holes, watering in, planting, and mulching.

Previous planting at the drainage line (photograph: Waltraud Pix)


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