Majura Paddock Working Party (18/03/2012)

When: Sunday, 18 March from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm; come for an hour or the whole time.
Where: Meet at the Hackett water reservoir close to the Rivett and French Streets intersection; view this map.
What: Cut-&-daub woody weeds at the drain line close to the little dam in the north of the paddock; hand-weed herbaceous weeds around the young shrubs planted on National Tree Day 2011; replant shrubs that were damaged by grazing.
Wear and bring:
Sun protection, sturdy shoes, old garden clothing with long sleeves and pants. We’ll provide gloves and tools.
Please come early for an introduction of the target weeds and the safe handling of tools and herbicide.
email or phone 6247 7515

Eastern Gray Kangaroos regularly visit the Majura paddock to feed on direct seeded native grass (Photograph Waltraud Pix, 23.11.2011)

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