Nest of a Yellow-rumped Thornbill in a native Boxthorn (Bursaria spinosa subsp. lasiophylla) planted on National Tree Day 2012 in the nature reserve east of The Fair (W.Pix, 22.04.2015).
Give some TLC to the young trees and shrubs planted in the nature reserve @ The Fair on Sunday, 15 May. Help building caches of woody weed debris around the young plants to protect them from grazing damage; remove pesky Paterson’s Curse that compete with our plantings for light, nutrients and water and learn about the process and the obstacles of reclaiming grassy woodland and a shrub-lined gully that are under attack by herbivores and introduced plant species.
When: Sunday, 15 May, 1pm – 4pm
Meet: Nature park entrance Tay / Ian Nicol Streets, The Fair, North Watson; view this map
Bring: Sun protection, sturdy shoes; tools and afternoon tea will be provided.
Come early for an introduction & give as much of your time as you want.
Inquiries: secretary@majura.org

Chewed bark of a native Boxthorn. Mt Majura nature reserve is so overgrazed that desperate rabbits turn to rip-off the bark of young trees and shrubs (W.Pix, 4.5.2016)
Since 2012 Friends of Mt Majura removed hundreds of woody weeds growing the nature park behind The Fair including Hawthorn, Sweet Briar, Elm (Ulmus procera), African firethorn (Weed of National Significance), Nettle tree, Black Locust (Robinia pesudoacacia) and Cootamundra Wattle.
We replace these environmental weeds with local species, such as Native Boxthorn that provide food and protective habitat for the little woodland birds which still inhabit or visit the area east of The Fair.

A male Scarlet Robin in the nature reserve east of The Fair (W.Pix, 31.7.2015). You may just spot the brilliant red chest of this endangered species.
Little woodland birds have almost disappeared from the west slopes of Mt Majura and Mt Ainslie – you can hardly see or hear a Wren or Robin in the reserve east of Hackett or Ainslie. On Mt Majura’s north-west slope however, which includes the area behind The Fair, little woodland birds are still present.
We hope our work helps to keep them there for many years to come.

Spiny Bitterpea, Daviesia genistifolia protected with woody weed debris.

…and an unprotected Bitterpea a couple of meters away.