Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) Newsletter April 2011

Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) Newsletter April 2011 (pdf)

  • Removing Fleabane – Saturday 9 April
  • Woody Weed Working Bee jointly with Mt Ainslie Weeders – Sunday 17 April
  • Workshop grass weed identification and control and woody weed frilling – Saturday 7 May

Dear Friends

Last Sunday over forty participants enjoyed an ant walk guided by Dr. Ajay Narendra. It was the sixth walk on this topic and there was still a waiting list – amazing! I’d like to thank Ajay for generously sharing his knowledge and enthusiasm with us.

If only a tenth of walkers would have turned up at the Majura paddock weeding sessions during the past weekends… There is a narrow window of opportunity to remove Flaxleaf Fleabane, Conyza bonariensis before the seeds are blown off. Ideally two volunteers would work together, one who cuts and daubs and one who bags the seed heads; small fleabanes can be pulled and placed in bags. If you can help come along to the Majura Paddock next Saturday any time between 2 pm to 6 pm; check the map at the paddock entrance opposite of the reservoir for the work location.

In terms of weed control we focus on woody and broadleaf herbaceous weeds. So far we largely ignored the nasty environmental grass weeds Serrated Tussock, African Lovegrass, and Chilean Needle Grass. Why are these weeds nasty or – to use management jargon – why do they have a very high Environmental Weed Danger rating? Two main reasons: They are spreading easily and they are capable of replacing native grasses and forbs and dominating disturbed and un-disturbed sites. And they are difficult to identify! Who for instance has recognised the Chilean Needle Grass that was spreading on the southern edge along the drain line downhill of the reservoir? The three weed species rank very high on the Parks and Conservation Service (PCS) priority list of pest control. From time to time contractors are employed to control them. However, there are always a few that survive or that were overlooked or that grow in remote areas. ParkCare volunteers, who regularly walk “their patch”, can add enormous value to the conservation work by spotting and treating them, if we only knew what to look for and how and when to treat.

Well, to cut the story short, PCS will run a workshop for volunteers on the identification and control of grass weeds on Saturday, 7 May. There will be also a demonstration on how to frill woody weeds. It would be great if some of you take the opportunity to broaden the skill and knowledge base in our group.

Our regular third-Sunday-each-month working bee will be jointly with the Mount Ainslie Weeders on Sunday 17 April. We will be tackling woody weeds in an area downhill of the saddle between Mt Ainslie and Mt Majura. The area is somehow no man’s land as no one is looking after it. FoMM and the Weeders decided to work there together once a year and we call it our “Common”.

Please see below details of the events or visit for more information.

And last not least: in April 2005 and 2008 a large number of endangered Swift Parrots visited Mount Majura. They were frequently observed around the reservoir. Keep your eyes open on your walk in the reserve and please contact if you have observed Swift Parrots with details on date, time of the day, locality of observation and number of birds.

Warm regards,

Removing Fleabane

When: Saturday, 9 April 2011, from 2 pm to 6 pm
Meet at the Majura paddock entrance opposite the reservoir off Rivett and French Streets
Bring and wear:
Sun protection, appropriate shoes and clothing, and gloves if you have them.

Woody Weed Working Bee jointly with Mt Ainslie Weeders
Sunday, 17 April 2011 from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm
Meet at the Nature Park entrance Kellaway Street / Phillip Avenue.
Bring and wear:
Sun protection, sturdy boots, and body covering garden clothing.
Equipment, information on woody weeds and refreshments will be provided.
phone 6247 7515 or e-mail
Join us for morning tea and help tackle the woody weeds that grow downhill of the saddle between the Mt Majura and Mt Ainslie. We will remove woody shrubs that are not native to the area using the cut-&-daub method. Novice weeders are encouraged to be early for an induction on target weeds and on the save handling of equipment.

Workshop Environmental Grass Weed identification and control and woody weed frilling
Saturday 7 May 2011, from 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm
Meet at the parkCare notice board opposite of the Hackett reservoir off Rivett / French Streets.
Sun protection, something to write, a plastic bag for samples, a camera, and a snack.
Hands-on identification of Chilean Needle Grass, Serrated Tussock and African Lovegrass, and demonstration of woody weed frilling.
to Jenny Conolly, Parkcare Coordinator or ph 62057384 by Friday 6th May.

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