FoMM Flickr. How to share your photographs

Click on FoMM Flickr to join current available Groups and to view Mount Majura’s treasures.

How to share your photographs. You would need to have or to open a Flickr account, upload your photos to your photo-stream, join the appropriate FoMM “Group” and add the photograph from your photo-stream to this “Group”. Please contact for help if you encounter problems.

Titles and tags. It would be great if you could title and tag your photograph. For instance if you have a picture of a wildflower put the scientific name followed by the common name in the title. The species list might be helpful or you could send the link of your picture to for help. Possible tags are: Mount Majura , Mount Majura nature reserve , wildflower , forb , scientific name of species , common name of species. Tags can be short descriptions such as “lichen on rock”. Separate the tags with commas and space as in the above examples.

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