FoMM January 2011 Newsletter

Friends of Mt Majura (FoMM) January 2011 newsletter pdf

  • Working Bee this Sunday 16 January
  • Meeting to discuss FoMM 2011 plans
  • Renewal after fire: Bushfire management workshop

Dear Friends

Welcome to the first edition of the FoMM newsletter in 2011. I hope everyone had a wonderful break over Christmas / New Year and was able to recharge batteries.

I’m very grateful to a number of people who gave their time over the festive season.

We collected seeds of a range of native grasses, Bulbine Lily, Silver Wattle, She-oak and Australian Indigo. Further plans are to collect seeds of Kangaroo grass which approaches peak,  late summer grasses (Redleg, Hairy Panic, Windmill), Clustered Everlasting, Cassinia and Bursaria.  I’ll closely monitor the situation and circulate a request for help when the seeds are ready for collection.

We’ve treated St John’s Wort on the lower slopes from Juke Street in the north to the Kellaway Street in the south; I’d like to thank Noel for his persistence to tackle this highly invasive pest.

Dean and Margaret are currently conducting a second round of Cootamundra Wattle treatment on Mt Majura. Instead of cut-and-daub they frill or ringbark the larger trees. One advantage of this method is that the standing dead tree doesn’t provide rabbit harbour.

A few of us hand weeded Indian Hedge Mustard, Thistles and (still flowering) Paterson’s Curse mainly around the lower Hackett reservoir, at the Majura paddock and along the drainage line. I’d like to thank Dean for carting several truck loads of weeds to Sand and Gravel where they are turning into compost.

There are more Mustards at the paddock and we found regrowth of woody weeds along the drainage line downhill of the reservoir (Blackberry, Japanese Honeysuckle, Privet) and uphill of the transmission line easement (Hawthorn, Briar Rose, some Firethorns) which I hope to tackle at our working bee this coming Sunday. Come along and give a hand if you can. Unfortunately the weather forecast has deteriorated from a cloudy day to a few showers clearing in the morning.  I’ll be there the whole day from 9 am. Please join anytime as it suits you; see below for more details. Could anyone donate muffins or biscuits for tea?

It’s highly time to plan FoMM activities and events in 2011. Everyone is invited to get involved in the planning and to attend a meeting in February to discuss plans. Please indicate a preferred and an alternative date/time.

Finally I thought you might be interested in a workshop “Renewal after the 2003 Canberra fire”; please see details below.



Working Bee 16 January 2011
Sunday 16 January, 9.00 am onwards
Meet at the Hackett reservoir off Rivett and French Streets
: Cut-&-daub woody weed regrowth along the drainage line; hand pull Indian Hedge Mustard and weeds around the eucalypts and shrubs planted on National Tree Day 2010
Bring and Wear:
Sun protection, sturdy shoes, long sleeve and pants, and garden gloves.
6247 7515 or

Renewal after fire: Bushfire management workshop
Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 February, 10.00 am to 5.00 pm
Venue: Tuggerong Community Centre, 245 Cowlishaw St, Greenway, ACT
Limited places: RSVP by Friday January 28, Anne Miehs on 9516 1488 or
You’re invited to join the Nature Conservation Council of NSW for an informative two day workshop exploring the recovery of the natural environment following the Canberra bushfires in 2003 which burned almost 70% of the ACT. The strategies that native flora and fauna use to recover from large bushfires will be described by expert speakers from the CSIRO, ACT National Parks Association, ACT Parks, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Conservation and Lands and the Australian National Botanic Gardens. In addition, changes that were made to fire management planning following the Canberra fires will be discussed.
On Sunday, there will be a field trip to Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve to inspect sites that show good recovery and areas where restoration has been slow.
Lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.

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