FoMM Newsletter March 2012

Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) Newsletter March 2012 (pdf)

  • Screams on Mount Majura
  • Ant Walk Sunday 4 March postponed to Sunday, 11 March
  • Final Rabbit Mapping Session on Mount Ainslie – Saturday, 10 March
  • March Working Party –  Sunday, 18 March
  • Rabbit control update

Dear Friends

I had a recent request to place the most important item on top of the newsletter because people won’t have the time to read a lengthy text. What is the most important item – news on threats, wildlife, working bees? I guess everyone has priorities, so please scroll to the item that interests you most.

Screams on Mt Majura. Last time I’ve asked if anyone has a suggestion about the screams heard at night time on Mt Majura. Thank you for the responses. Everyone agreed that the most likely source is an owl of some sort. Some people suggested a Sooty Owl, also known as the ‘Screaming Woman’ bird, and some suggested a Barking Owl, which is rare but can occur in Canberra. Tony sent a link of a Barking Owl call, click here to listen. Unfortunately I don’t have an Audio output and I can’t listen to it myself.

Ant Walk, Sunday 4 March postponed. Due to the rain forecast for this Sunday, 4 March we postponed the ant walk to Sunday, 11 March, 3.00pm to 4.30pm. The Mt Ainslie Weeders will be hosting a second walk on Sunday, 18 March. For further information and booking details please click on Ant Walks.

Final Rabbit Mapping Session on Mount Ainslie. Margaret, who coordinates the rabbit mapping, requests experienced rabbit mappers to help map rabbit warrens on parts of Mt Ainslie that were closed to the public for the last three months. A concerted mapping action will start at 9am on Saturday, 10 March. If you can help on Saturday or at another time that suits you better, please contact Margaret at, Ph 62475561 or Mob 0418 713240. See Margret’s progress report on the rabbit control work at the end of this newsletter.

March Working Party. Our monthly working party will be at the Majura paddock. We will be cutting and daubing woody weeds along the drainage line close to the little dam which requires the use of herbicide, hand-weeding herbaceous weeds around the young plants, and replanting some of the seedlings that succumbed to grazing. Please choose your pet activity.

When: Sunday, 18 March, 9.00 am to 1.00pm
meet at the parkCare noticeboard close to the reservoir off Rivett/French Sts intersection.
Wear and Bring:
Sun protection, sturdy shoes, body covering (old garden) clothing.
Tools, herbicide, gloves, drinking water
will be provided.
Enquiries and further information:

See you on the mountain.

Warm regards,


Rabbit control update from Margaret Clough

If you have been on the mountain in the past few days you will notice a marked decline in the number of rabbits racing about.  This may be partly due to the wet weather, but is also an indication of the success of the rabbit baiting program.  The contractors report an excellent uptake of bait – in many cases the bait stations were totally eaten out by morning, which is unusual.  Baiting has now finished and the contractors are working their way across the two mountains, fumigating and filling in warrens. The Mt Ainslie contractor said he was amazed at our mapping efforts and couldn’t believe how we had found some of the well-concealed ones.  Some of the large warrens will now be ripped using more effective equipment which can be used in difficult terrain.  Ripping is by far the best way to destroy a warren, but the process can be very damaging to the surrounding area – this equipment will minimise that damage.

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