Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) Newsletter – October 2017

Join the Friends of Mt Majura spring working party at the Fair. We will be hand digging weeds, watering plants, (more) mulching and other maintenance jobs at the National Tree Day planting site. Many hands make light work!
Where: Meet nature park entrance intersection Tay Street and Ian Nicol Street, The Fair, North Watson; view this map
Wear and Bring: long pants and sleeves, hat, enclosed shoes, sunscreen, gloves – if you have them, and drinking water; morning tea provided.
Enquiries: Email
Click here for more information.

Pretty Hoary Sunrays open their flowers in the nature reserve east of The Fair (Photo: Waltraud Pix).

Wildflower Walk – Sunday 15 October 2017, 2pm to 4pm
Explore the wildflowers that are blooming this season on a stroll with local ecologist Michael Doherty. Enjoy the beauty of the Mt Majura reserve, its grasses, trees, and views whilst you go and learn about the different species found in the grassy woodlands and open forest of Mt Majura. An updated plant species list of Mount Majura / Mount Ainslie will be available for a gold coin donation.
Where: Meet at the Antill Street Nature Park entrance opposite Carotel, south of The Fair in North Watson.
Bring: Sun protection, a camera and magnifying glass if you have them. Wear suitable clothing for the expected weather, and comfortable and appropriate footwear.
Enquiries: Email
Click here for more information

Scrambled Eggs, Goodenia pinnatifida. (Photo: Waltraud Pix). View Mount Majura’s Floriade – Visit FoMM Flickr galleries with pictures of flowering orchids, forbs, shrubs

Bird Walk – Sunday 22 October, 8am to 10am
Walk through the woodlands with bird enthusiast Peter Miller to spot, observe, listen to, and learn about the amazing variety of Mt Majura’s birds in Spring. With over two hundred recorded species, Canberra and the surrounding region has the richest bird life of any Australian capital city. Roughly half of these – 112 species – have been recorded on Mt Majura!
Where: Meet at the nature reserve entrance Tay St / Ian Nicol St, in The Fair, Watson
Bring: Sun protection and wear appropriate clothing for the weather and a Gold Coin donation for a Mt Majura bird species list.
Recommended: Binoculars, a bird guide or app* if you have them. *See for instance Michael Morcombe & David Stewart apps for Android and Apple. If you have an interest in our feathered friends (and some foes) check out the website of the Canberra Ornithologists Group (COG) which has heaps of information on the distribution, seasonal occurrence and breeding of birds, brilliant photographs taken by COG members and even records of bird calls of several species.
Enquiries: Email
Click here for more information

Spotted Pardalote, Pardalotus punctatus. (Photo: Harvey Perkins)

Other news and events:

Frogwatch Census and Training 2017
This year’s Frogwatch Census Week is on 15 October to 21 October! Training will be held on Tuesday 10 October from 6pm to 8.30pm at Jerrabomberra Wetland, 2 Dairy Road, Fyshwick. Book your spot at this link Jerrabomberra Wetlands Booking site. Come along and learn how to survey for frogs with Frogwatch experts. The evening will start with an introductory seminar which will be held from 6.00pm – 7.15pm, followed by a practical session from 7.15pm – 8.30pm in the form of an easy walk around the Wetlands to put new found theory into practice. A light supper (soup and bread) will be provided. Note: You can attend one session or both, however it is highly recommended that the seminar is undertaken if you haven’t done Frogwatch before.

Biodiversity Offsets: are they working in the ACT? Tuesday 31 October 2017, 12pm – 2pm
How do we measure outcomes? Are they adequately reported? Who is accountable? Case studies and discussion. This Environment Exchange held by the Conservation Council ACT Region will be held at the Renewables Innovation Hub 19-23 Moore Street Turner ACT. Click here for more information and to register.

2017 Conservation Council ACT Spring Mingle – Friday 27 October, 6pm
Connect with other Canberrans who are passionate about the environment, and celebrate the announcement of the 2017 ACT Environment Awards at the Renewables Innovation Hub. There will be a bar, music, entertainment, a silent auction and a feast of finger food. We will also welcome our Board for 2018. Entry by donation. Register here for catering purposes.National Threatened Species Day at the ANBG – 7 September 2017
Watch this short video released on National Threatened Species Day 2017 about how the Australian National Botanic Gardens contributes to the protection of threatened plants.

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