Friends of Mt Majura (FoMM) Newsletter December 2012

Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) Newsletter December 2012

  • Glossy Black-Cockatoo Project: How You Can Help. EVENTS THIS WEEK see below
  • Paterson’s Curse removal from Majura Paddock see below
  • Pre-Christmas Working Party on the newly constructed walking track close to “The Fair”
  • News concerning Mt Majura’s flora
  • Recent story in the Canberra Times concerning Mt Majura
  • Conservator for Flora and Fauna prepared ACT Draft Nature Conservation Strategy, consultation ends 10 Dec, read more here.

Dear Friends

Again I have the privilege of substituting for Waltraud in creating this newsletter while she is away. The weather is warming up, Mt Majura is getting dryer and the woody weeds and weeds generally only seem to enjoy things more. Lots of exciting events are planned for the coming week and December. Since there are two Greening Australia events planned for this coming week I am getting out this December newsletter a little earlier than normal.


Glossy Black-Cockatoo Project:  How You Can Help

Kosciuszko2Coast (K2C) and its partners are aiming to increase Glossy Black-Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami) foraging habitat in our region. Greening Australia Capital Region will be coordinating the planting of 10,000 Drooping Sheoak (Allocasuarina verticillata) and Glossy Black-Cockatoo nest tree seedlings across 20 properties in the K2C region on behalf of K2C and its partners. These plantings will be completed prior to spring next year and complement plantings that have previously been carried out in the ACT and plantings that are hoping to be carried out along the Murrumbidgee corridor.
Are you interested in SEED COLLECTION?
Seed must be collected for the propagation of up to 10 000 seedlings. Greening Australia will be holding a Seed Collection Workshop from 1-2:30pm, Thursday 29 November 2012. Meet at the park access gate on Antill Street. Click here for more information and a map. You will learn appropriate seed collection techniques and collect seed for the project.
Are you interested in PLANT PROPAGATION?
Up to 10 000 seedlings must be propagated for the project. Greening Australia will be holding a Drooping She-oak propagation event from 5-7pm, 27 November at Greening Australia, 1 Kubara Place, Aranda. Click here for more info.

We are looking for 20 landholders who are interested in having seedlings planted on their property and are within the project area.
Are you interested in PLANTING?

10 000 seedlings will be planted across 20 properties.
Greening Australia will be holding a number of community planting events throughout autumn and winter next year.
Email to register your interest in any of the above activities.

Paterson’s Curse removal from the Majura paddock
During October and November Waltraud lead a series of “Curse Bashes” to tackle the last enclave of Paterson’s Curse in the Majura paddock.  The results have been spectacular; you can see some before and after photographs here.

Pre-Christmas Working Party
Sunday, 16 December 2012, from 9am until 1pm;
: Cut-and-daub wood weeds along a newly constructed walking track.
 At the Mt Majura nature park entrance off Antill Street south of “The Fair” in North Watson. Click here for a map.
Bring & Wear:
Sun protection, appropriate shoes, body covering clothing. Tools will be provided

Enquiries: e-mail

News concerning Mt Majura’s flora
There is a new addition to Mt Majura Flora list since last update 1.11.2012: the Swamp Isotome, Isotoma fluviatilis, a small mat forming perennial forb with pale blue flowers and dark blue and yellow flower centres; it was found in the seepage (moist area) downstream of the lower Majura dam, view photos at FoMM Forb Flickr Group

Many people inquired about a strange and beautiful flowering plant which superficially resembles an orchid and currently found in great abundance; view this photograph that Trevor King took on the wildflower walk 11.11.2012; the species is the Orobanche minor, Broomrape; it has many brown pink pale yellow flowers arranged on fleshy pinkish stem with no green leaves but yellowish pink scales; the introduced species parasites other plants for photosynthesis products (sugar) hence the lack of green photosynthesis pigments in the plant. One of the German common names for the species is ‘Kleewuerger’, meaning ‘Strangler of Clover’ because it is found parasitic mainly on Clovers.

Waltraud and I did the annual survey of the kangaroo/rabbit grazing test areas near the Hackett water tank.  Once again Waltraud walked each of the three areas (the no kangaroo or rabbits area, the no kangaroo area and the control area) in strips a meter apart and sampled the vegetation at each step.  Once the data has been entered and analysed we will have more knowledge concerning the long term effects of managing the grazing on the mix of native and non-native plants.

A line in the land,  Canberra Times, November 17, 2012
Tim the Yowie Man: Can the stone wall mystery be solved or will the kookas have the last laugh? Read more:

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