Great Community Spirit on National Tree Day 2009

National Tree Day 2009 full report

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NTD tree party rs IMGP6761More than 140 enthusiastic volunteers from Hackett and surrounding suburbs joined by Ms Caroline Le Couteur MLA, Andrew Barr, Minister for Planning and Senator Gary Humphries celebrated National Tree Day 2009 on Sunday, 2 August by planting over 300 local trees on Mount Majura.

1 ADFA cadets dug more than 400 planting holes DSCN4408Thank you to all who helped to make National Tree Day 2009 on Mount Majura a special and pleasant experience and great success. Thanks in particular to the ADFA digging crew (back from left) Matt, Madelein, Elizabeth, Jimmy, (front from left) Paris, Jessica, and Tim who volunteered their free time between exams and term leave to dig over 400 planting holes. A special thank you to the Rotary Club of Canberra North who provided a BBQ for participants.

And many thanks to Greening Australia for raising the seedlings from locally collected seeds, to ACT Parks, Conservation and Lands for providing crucial on-site support,  to the North Canberra Community Council and the Molonglo Catchment Group for financial support and to many volunteers of Friends of Mount Majura, the Mount Ainslie Weeders, the Watson Woodland Working Group and the Hackett Community Association for help during and prior to the event. Well done!

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