October 2005 newsletter

Dear FoMM people Waltraud is checking out the eyesight of crabs somewhere near Townsville, so this newsletter has been delegated to Margaret Graetz.

This newsletter contains:

  •  Orchid walk invitation
  •  Meeting invitation
  •  Woody weeds working bee
  •  Dragonfly news
  •  Mailing list changes

Orchid walk:

Did you know that orchids can be found on Mount Majura?  They keep themselves well hidden, but about 6 species are to be found there this year.  Dean Rouse of the Australian National University will lead a walk to find and learn about these fascinating plants.

The walk will be on Saturday 15th October at 2.00 pm.  Meet at the Mackenzie/Grayson St park entrance.

Meeting invitation:

The next meeting of the FoMM Action Committee will be on Wednesday, 19th October.  This is our ‘annual general’ meeting, where office bearers change hands.

Woody weeds working bee:

The next woody weeds working bee will be on Sunday  16th October at 9.00 am.  Dean will be sending out a separate notice.

Dragonfly News

Some ‘practice’ seedlings have been planted.  The first big planting is on Sunday 9th October.

Enjoy the (variable) Spring weather

Margaret Graetz
Secretary, Friends of Mount Majura ParkCare Group

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