Before Stage 1.Dec 2004
Before Stage 1.Dec 2004
Before Stage 1.Feb 2005
Before Stage 1.May 2005
Before Stage 2.Aug 2005
Before Stage 2.Aug 2005
Cunningham’s Skink
Bearded Dragon (juvenile)
Brushtail Speargrass flowering
New Holland Daisy flowers and seeds
Red Anthered Wallaby Grass flower
Sticky everlasting visited by Common Brown butterfly
Recovery, Stage 1Mar 2005
Recovery, Stage 1Mar 2005
Recovery, Stage 1Nov 2006New Holland daisy
Recovery, Stage 1Nov 2006
Weeds: horehound seeding
Weeds: saffron thistle
Weeds: serrated tussock
Weeding working bee
Bag on foot
Piling up the bags
Waiting to be collected
Trucked away
Enjoying a break
Collecting daisy seeds
Ceremonial seeding at World Environment Day 2005 celebration
Eucalyptus seedlings ready for planting
Planting working bee
Planting a tree
Apple box seedling
Watering a seedling