Working Party @ The Fair


National Tree Day plantings behind The Fair

Tackling Curse…

Help tackle pesky weeds at the National Tree Day planting site behind The Fair in North Watson. Come for an hour or more – you will make a difference.

When: Sunday, 18 May from 9 am to 1 pm

Where:  Meet at the nature park access end of Ian Nicol Street; view this map

Bring:  Sun protection, sturdy shoes, and old clothing with long sleeves and pants.

Contact: FoMM 6247 7515 or

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It is most pleasing to see that herbaceous weeds at  the southern end of the National Tree Day planting site behind The Fair are receding thanks to volunteer control efforts over the past two years.

At the northern end however, Paterson’s Curse went ballistic following the rain in recent months and some areas are thick with Curse.

Paterson’s Curse in the close perimeter of a planting is best controlled manually and further away from plantings by spraying selective herbicide with low pressure knapsacks. If you can help please come along to the working party or join us at our Fridays at The Fair sessions. We need many hands to get on to top of this competitive weed.

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