Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) Newsletter April 2014

Welcome to the April 2014 edition of the FoMM newsletter. April is the time of the year to watch out for endangered Swift Parrots. In past years, we have observed Swift Parrots from the end of March to the beginning of May foraging eucalyptus nectar and lerp around the Hackett reservoir and close-by paddocks. If you see Swift Parrots please report the date, time, locality and approximate number of birds to FoMM, email or phone 62477515. For more information click here.

Best regards,
Jo Lynch
FoMM Secretary

FoMM activities and news:

A newly recorded Orchid species found on Mt Majura!
During one of his regular rare plant surveys, FoMM volunteer Aaron Clausen recently found two Greenhood orchid species growing on Mt Majura – the Antelope Greenhood (Diplodium laxum) and the Autumn Greenhood (D. revolutum). It is the first time D. revolutum has been recorded for Mt Majura. As Aaron says, we are really lucky to call this mountain our backyard!

Autumn Greenhood flowers (Photo credit: A. Clausen)

Working Bee – Sunday 13 April, 9am – 12pm
Help to graze-proof the plantings in the Majura paddock. Young Silver wattles, native Box-thorns and Cassinias have outgrown their plastic tree guards. We will be making and installing larger guards to protect them from grazing damage. If your thing is weeding give a hand to cut and daub woody weeds along the drainage line, or search for and pull out horehound – choose your pet activity.
Where: Meet at the ParkCare notice board opposite the Hackett water tank off Rivett / French Streets
What to bring and wear: Sun protection, sturdy shoes and long sleeved shirts and pants. We’ll provide the tools and refreshments.
Enquiries: phone 6247 7515 or e-mail
Click here for more information

FoMM volunteer Lynne Alexander installing larger tree guards at The Fair treeplanting site (Photo credit: W.Pix)

Practical Weed Control – Hands on Training – Saturday 5 April, 9.30am – 11am
ACT Parks and Conservation Service staff will be running a practical training session open to all volunteers. It will cover a range of weed control techniques including the use of knapsack spray units, cut and daub, and frilling. Experienced and inexperienced volunteers are welcome as the more experience and tips shared the better.
Where: Meet at Mt Ainslie Reserve, end of Canning St, Ainslie
What to bring and wear: Water, hat and wear long sleeved shirt and pants
RSVP: to by 2 April 2014.

Knapsack spraying (Photo credit: W.Pix)

Spotlight Walk – Wednesday 16 April, 5.30pm – 7.30pm
What lurks in the dark on the mountain? Join the Friends of Mt Majura and the ACT Conservation Council for a night time spotlighting adventure as we stroll through the bushland of Mt Majura seeking out its furred and feathered nocturnal residents and share the excitement of the night over a tasty hot chocolate. To find out more and make a booking please click here.

Sugar Glider (Photo credit: D. Cook)

First Aid Training for Parkcare volunteers – Sunday 4 May, 8.30am – 4.30pm
Obtain or renew your first aid qualification. The ACT Parks and Conservation Service has organised a course specifically for ParkCare and Landcare volunteers. The training will be held at the Ron Reynolds Training Centre in Curtin, and will be provided by Recall First Aid as a “mixed mode” course which involves a self paced workbook and a 1x day (8hrs) practical session. The workbook can be easily completed in 2-6hrs (depending on the student) and involves 48 written questions to be answered prior to the practical session (all of which are in the First Aid Manual provided). Staff at Recall First Aid are also available to assist with questions. Please contact by the 11th April 2014 if you wish to do this training. Priority will be given to volunteers who regularly attend work parties.

Kangaroo forum  – Wednesday 9 April, 9.30am – 4.30pm
The Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand EIANZ (ACT) is hosting a forum on the environmental impacts of kangaroos at the Common Room, University House, Australian National University. FoMM convenor, Jochen Zeil, is one of the presenters. Please go here for more details including RSVP.

Other items of interest:

ACT Explore Program: Ranger Guided Activities for April 2014.
April is a great month for getting out and about in our reserves. There is much to choose from, including a guided walk with Friends of Aranda Bushland, a bird walk at The Pinnacle Nature Reserve, an Aboriginal Heritage walk, and lots of activities at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. For more information, go to the TAMS website and click on the April ranger guided activities button to download the full program.

Discover Wildlife: Art and Science – at the CSIRO Discovery Centre 14th – 18th May
This symposium is a multidisciplinary celebration of the art, science and conservation of Australian wildlife. It includes a program of free presentations, children’s activities, wildlife films, CSIRO collection tours, and a showcase of original Australian wildlife artwork. Click here for more information.

Bioblitz in Pambula – 11th – 12th April
Are you going down the south coast for the April School holidays? If so, one of our FoMM members has alerted us to this great event – a bioblitz to find, identify and record biodiversity, all very family friendly. Some of the surveys include: bird banding, shore birds, rocky shore surveys and tide line walk, water bugs, creepy crawlies, frog finding and spot lighting of nocturnal fauna. Click here for more information.

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