Woody Weeds Working Party (15 February 2009)

Friends of Mt Majura and the Watson Woodland Working Group will hold a joint working party to remove woody weeds growing at the lower slopes of Mt Majura.
Sunday, 15 February 2009, from 8.00am to noon.
Meet at nature park entrance off Antill Street opposite Carotel, North Watson
Friends and family, a smile and sun protection
Wear: appropriate shoes and full-body covering clothing.
All equipment will be provided.
For car pooling and other enquires: ph 6247 7515 or e-mail admin@majura.org

Please come along if you have some time to spare, sign the activity sheet at the rangers’ trailer, enjoy a cuppa and help remove woody weeds from the lower slopes of Mt Majura.
Novice weeders are encouraged to be early for an induction on target weeds and on the save handling of equipment.

Waltraud Pix
FoMM co-ordinator

Firethorns (Pyracantha species) are some of the many common garden plants that have invaded Mount Majura nature reserve and other bushland in the ACT. Find out how you can help protecting our bushland reserves from the invasion of woody weeds.

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