Working Bee: Horehound Blitz and West Slope Challenge (28 June 2009)

When: Sunday, 28 June, 2009, from 10.00am to 1.00pm
meet at the water reservoir behind Rivett / French Streets, Hackett
What to bring and wear:
Appropriate clothing and shoes, your favourite weeding tool, preferably household gloves with long cuffs or garden gloves. All other tools and material will be provided. Wrap up warmly; hot drinks will be provided to keep you warm from inside.

Enquiries: ph 6247 7515 or email

Volunteers have planted native shrubs along the drain line behind the water reservoir to assist the restoration of a native wild life corridor. At this working bee we will remove as much of the existing weeds as possible to give the seedlings a good start. We also will continue to revegetate the bare west slope with local scribbly gums – this will be a true challenge given the steepness of the slope and the shallow soils.

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