Removing Honeysuckle and English Ivy from the bottom part of the drainage line close to Hackett backyards.
Indulge Mount Majura with a working party on Sunday 18 December and help to remove weeds along the drainage ditch close to the Hackett water tank and the close-by paddock. Come along, give a hand and gift some of your time to the mountain.
When: Sunday, 18 December 2022, 9 am to 12 noon; give as much time as you like.
Where: Meet at the drainage line close to the water reservoir off Rivett Street and French Street intersection, Hackett; view this map.
What: Pulling out English Ivy and Privet seedlings and removing and bagging the vines of Cleavers (Sticky Weed, Galium aparine). Unfortunately, Cleavers and many other introduced plants have another proliferous season this year; the continuous removal of the Cleavers before they release their seeds will deplete the soil seed bank over time and the direct seeding of native grasses will help to suppress the weeds.
Bring and wear: Sun protection, long sleeves and pants, sturdy shoes or gum boots and garden gloves if you have them.
You need no experience to attend this event. Instructions and tools will be provided.
Enjoy a delicious cake and see how natives planted over the past years are taking over.
Inquiries: secretary@majura.org
The Friends of Mt Majura began work along the drainage ditch and in the Majura paddock in 2004. Work included the removal of vast amounts of herbaceous and woody weeds, mapping of rabbit warrens, erosion control, planting and direct seeding of native plants.
For further information, visit our latest website posts about the drainage ditch and the Majura paddock.