Let’s get to know our NEIGHbour
When you walk east along Oldfields Lane from Antill Street on your way to the site of our August working bee, the nature reserve is on your left and on your right are the Hackett Horse Paddocks. Further up the rise, Mount Majura’s endangered YBBRG woodland is on both sides of the Lane.
The Horse Paddocks comprise 35 Ha, one of 15 similar facilities on government land, managed under contract by Territory Agistment. This agistment land also forms green corridors and provides recreational areas for locals to enjoy.
Horse riders have access from the Paddocks to marked trails on Mount Majura – all ACT horse trails are mapped here. The ACT Equestrian Association actively lobbies for the interests of horse riders, including when the draft Territory Plan revealed an initiative to “investigate expansion of Mount Majura Nature Reserve to include Hackett Horse Paddock”. See this ABC news story.
The current Plan zones the area occupied by the Horse Paddocks in the same way as land recently developed for housing in northern Watson. While FoMM supports the expansion of the nature reserve, horses are better than houses as neighbours for the reserve – woodland cannot survive the wholesale destruction which we see now in new housing developments. |