“The trouble with offsets” from Background Briefing on Radio National

Justice Robert Hope Park

Justice Robert Hope Park in the Watson Woodlands

You may remember a recent article in the Canberra Times about conservation offsets which we posted on this website here.  Today Radio National had a lengthy and informative piece on the way some companies which plan to trash an area with significant biodiversity get permission for the trashing on the agreement they will protect an offset area of equivalent natural value. Background Briefing showed how in many cases the offset area is clearly not equivalent in terms of environmental value.  The very last segment in the program concerns the Watson Woodlands and the government’s plan to ‘offset’ its destruction by ‘protecting’ Justice Robert Hope Park. This is a double standard as the only reason that the park has significant biodiversity is the many hours of volunteer work replanting and weeding.

Click on the link below to go listen to the RN program or download the podcast.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/139326926″ params=”color=1d621b” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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