Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) Newsletter June 2013

FoMM NewsLetter_June13

Conservation Council World Environment Day Dinner

This event is on June 1st , 7pm at Merici College and the guest speaker will be prominent Tasmanian forest campaigner and popular social media activist, Miranda Gibson.  All details can be seen here.  Some members of FoMM are already planning to attend, if you would like to be part of that group please contact Chris on 62628454.

FoMM meeting

FoMM will be holding its regular planning meeting on Sunday 2 June, 3.30pm -5pm in Downer. All people interested in participating in FoMM are welcome at the meeting.  If you think you might be able to attend please call Chris on 62628454 to get the address.


Fridays at The Fair.

We moved our weekly working bees at The Fair from Thursdays to Fridays; the next will be on Friday 31 May, meet 9.30am at Tay / Ian Nicol Sts intersection. We will be replacing some plants lost from our 2012 planting.


June working bee: planting at the old sheep camp

Each winter since 2005, we have a little planting on Mt Majura ridge, a former sheep camp that was once covered with weeds. The aim is to create corridors for sugar gliders and ringtail possums, to add diversity that attracts insects, and to enhance resilience against degrading impacts.  This year we will be planting Early Wattle, Acacia genistifolia and adding more Drooping She-oak, Allocasuarina verticillata, the food plant of Glossy Black Cockatoo.

Come along, get your hands dirty and be rewarded with splendid views. For those who haven’t seen it yet: “Labour of Love”, a book that celebrates nature reserves and their carers, has the sheep camp and view on its front cover; for a look go to


When: Sunday, 16 June 2013, from 1.00pm to 4.00pm (Note afternoon times for winter working bees to try and catch the best of the weather)

Where: meet at the old sheep camp at Mount Majura ridge where the Casuarina Trail hits the Summit track

Bring & Wear: Sun protection, sturdy boots, garden gloves and a trowel, if you have one, wrap up warmly.

Enquiries: ph 0421033020 or e-mail

Visit for more information.

This link shows a map for people approaching from Antill Street or Rivett Street.  Or you can use the Mackenzie Street access point and take the footpath up from there.


National Tree Day. – July 28th 1-3pm

We are in the lucky position that Rebecca Palmer-Brodie from the Conservation Council is managing the preparations for the National Tree Day event on Mount Majura.  It will be held at the same site as last year at the back of “The Fair” on the northern slopes of Mount Majura.

The goal is to build on the work done last year..  The plans will focus on planting a smaller number of items than last year but making sure all plants are adequately mulched and properly watered at the time of planting.  This will minimise the follow up work required to achieve a good success rate. In addition Rebecca has some innovative ideas to try and get the residents of  The Fair who come on National Tree Day to participate in the follow up care of the plants at the National Tree Day site.

Nearer the date more details will be available but at this stage it is clear that one critical element to success on the day will be the participation of FoMM volunteers as ‘planting buddies’ and as helpers to ensure all the items required such as stakes and guards are correctly located by the planting holes before the general volunteers arrive at 1pm

Parkcare and Landcare Interpretation Training Course

Do you just love sharing your passion for the environment and your knowledge of Mount Majura with the people you meet?

There are still places left for the upcoming ParkCare and Landcare Interpretation Training Course with John Pastorelli on 16th June 2013.

The course will run from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm at a venue yet to be determined.

Please contact Jasmine Foxlee, ParkCare Coordinator, phone: 62057384, or by the end of this week – 31 May 2013 if you would like to join this course.

Request for help in making wire mesh plant guards

It would be terrific if some of you could get involved in making more wire mesh plant guards which are needed to protect the plants as they outgrow their initial plant guards.  FoMM would provide all instructions, materials and tools needed and you could work at home, in your own time to turn rolls of wire mesh into custom plant guards.

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