Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) Newsletter September 2012

Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) Newsletter September 2012

  • Replace Tree Guards on Majura Paddock – Saturday 8 September
  • Mulching Seedlings – Sunday 9 September
  • Working Party National Tree Day Planting Site –16 September
  • Centenary Trail Update
  • FoMM meeting

Dear Friends

Welcome spring and assist nature at our September working parties on Mount Majura. Spring is a busy time for parkCare groups – it would be great if you could give a hand at one of the below working parties.

Replace Tree Guards on Majura Paddock – Saturday, 8 September
Come for a stroll on the Majura paddock, see what’s in flower and help replace plastic tree guards outgrown by their shrub inhabitants with wire mesh guards.
When: Saturday, 8 September, 3-5pm
Where: meet at the parkCare notice board opposite the Hackett water reservoir off Rivett / French Streets (view this map).
I will bring a roll of wire mesh, pliers, cutters, stakes and some pairs of gloves.
For further information: click here

Mulching Seedlings Sunday, 9 September
At our working party in August, Luke and Nick cut vast amounts of Cootamundra wattles that grew at the National Tree Day planting site. The plan is to make good use of these woody weeds by cutting them further and placing them around the young plants. Mulching assists the young plants by suppressing competitive weeds and by keeping the protective guards in place.
Sunday 9 September 10am -12noon
see details of the 16 September working party below.
Please bring a lobber, pruning saw or secateurs if you have them; some lobbers will be provided.

Working Party National Tree Day Planting Site – Sunday, 16 September
The 2012 growing season shapes up for great Paterson’s Curse year. Join us for a working party to control Paterson’s Curse by hand weeding around seedlings planted on National Tree Day and chemical treatment away from seedlings. We will be also cutting and daubing Briar Rose and other woody weeds and spread the debris around the seedlings. Choose your pet activity.
Sunday 16 September from 9am to 12 noon; come for the whole time or less.
Where: Meet at the National Tree Day 2012 planting site behind (east of) The Fair residential site in North Watson; access via the Antill Street nature park entrance opposite Carotel or through The Fair; view this map for access to the National Tree Day 2012 planting area.
All tools and equipment and will be provided.
For further information: click on Working party

Working parties, please remember: bring and wear sun protection, sturdy shoes, garden clothing with long sleeves and pants.
Enquiry: or 62477515

Centenary Trail Update
I’m pleased to inform you that the proposed Centenary Trail alignment has been revised to avoid conservation sensitive areas in the Mt Majura nature park and other reserves of Canberra Nature Park; click here to view the consultation report and revised routes. The revised alignment follows mainly existing fire trails.
I’m concerned however that the revision of the alignment was deemed to be necessary not because of the adverse impact on the environment but because the lengthy approval process required to construct a trail in conservation sensitive environments that would have delayed the project delivery beyond 2013.
The report envisages an evolution of the trail as opportunities come along – in other words we are not out of the woods…

FoMM meeting
Friends of Mt Majura will meet end of September to discuss plans for the future. We’d need volunteers who could become involved in organising FoMM affairs for a limited period of time. Please consider!  I’ll circulate meeting details asap.

Warm regards from your coordinator

1 September 2012

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