Replacing Tree Guards at Majura Paddock (08.09.2012)

A Spreading Wattle, Acacia genistifolia, planted in 2011 on Majura Paddock with flowers and buds. Can you spot the small male native wasp with the very long antenna? It sits on one of the sharp-pointed leaf-like structures called phyllode (Photograph Waltraud Pix 02.09.2012).

Spring arrived and the Majura Paddock plantings look glorious. Come for a stroll and see the flowering wattles, Indigo, and Purple Twining-peas. Some of the young plants planted in 2011 have outgrown the plastic tree guards; they still need protection from grazing. Give a hand to replace the outgrown guards with wire mesh guards.
When: Saturday, 8 September 3-5pm
Where: meet at parkCare notice board opposite the Hackett water reservoir off Rivett / French Streets (view this map).
Bring: Sun protection garden gloves and wear appropriate clothing.
Enquiry: or 62477515

National Tree Day 2011 plantings at Majura paddock. Photograph Waltraud Pix, 11.05.2012

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