Mapping rabbit warrens at Mt Ainslie, Mt Majura & Watson Woodland (4 December 2008)

Learn a new skill and help protect the environment.

When: Thursday, 4 December 2008, 6.00-7.00pm
Where: Meet at the Majura horse paddocks off Antill St opposite Justice Robert Hope Park; view this map for the meeting point
Bring: Appropriate clothing and a GPS if you have one.
Enquiries: 6241 5553 or
Download this poster for distribution

Scratch marks, buck-heaps (latrines) and bare soil: damage caused by rabbits has increased in the past years within the nature reserves (photograph: W. Pix, Mt Majura)

Parks, Conservation and Lands (PCL) will employ contractors to control rabbits in late summer and autumn 2009. You can assist PCL rangers with the mapping of rabbit warrens. The target area is Mt Ainsle, Mt Majura and Justice Robert Hope Park, North Watson. It should be possible to cover the area if we can involve 20 or 30 volunteers.

Rangers will be on site to demonstrate what to look for on Thursday 4th December from 6 to 7pm at the Majura horse paddocks opposite Justice Robert Hope Park. Driving from North Watson, take the turnoff to the right from Antill Street, just a few metres after the entrance to the Health Clinic and turn right into a parking area. There will also be someone to show us how to use a GPS device.

It isn’t every day that funding is provided for this kind of project. If you would like to help to make it a success and are able to commit to some time walking the nature reserve in January, please register your interest by ringing Liese Baker on 6241 5553 and by coming to the meeting on the 4th December.

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