May 2007 newsletter

  • Preparation of upcoming events – FoMM meeting Sunday 13 May
  • Project Dragonfly Follow-up Erosion Control Work – Working Bee Sunday 20 May
  • Biodiversity in your Backyard. Talk by Beth Mitchell – Wednesday 23 May
  • Preview: World Environment Day 2007 Walk Talk and Tea on Mt Majura – Sunday 3 June

Dear Friends

The cooler temperatures are ideal for work and activities other than chemical weed control. So here is a range of events, which I hope you’ll find interesting and worthwhile to attend. This is also a perfect time to gain new skills and knowledge. The government offers free training courses (some on weekends) in the chemical treatment of weeds and weed identification for parkcare volunteers before the end of this financal year. I would like to urge you to consider taking up this opportunity and thus broaden the skills base of our group. Please contact Rachael Dawes, ACT ParkCare Coordinator directly at ph 6207 2145, mob 0409 595 433 or e-mail if you consider attending a course.

Preparation of upcoming events – FoMM meeting Sunday 13 May
At our last meeting we discussed plans for 2007. I’ve asked whether people could help with making events happen. You can find FoMM’s Draft Program 2007 (please note the change of some dates) and a breakdown of the jobs involved in events in the Minutes of the Meeting 11 March 2007 attached to the FoMM March 2007 newsletter. The Program and Minutes are also available on the “Members” page of our website.
Could we please meet on next Sunday 13 May 5.00 to 6.30pm, at 9 Selwyn St Hackett to prepare upcoming events? Please contact me if you can’t make it to the meeting but would like to help out with any of the events.

Project Dragonfly Follow-up Erosion Control Work – Working Bee Sunday 20 May
On this working bee we will tackle the eroded area uphill of the lower dam. We will start with Morning Tea and a brief introduction into the work to be carried out. I would like to ask particularly people who have previously placed erosion matting for help.
When: Sunday 20 May, start at 10.00am with Morning Tea and a brief on the work
Where: meet at the lower dam off Mackenzie Street park entrance
What to bring and wear: sturdy boots, gloves, a maddock or garden fork if you have one.
The planned work includes

  • placement of erosion matting on pre-loosened soil (perhaps more soil loosening required)
  • fastening the matting with pegs
  • collecting logs and place them strategically on matting
  • direct seeding with native grasses and forbs and
  • planting and watering some native plants.

Project “Dragonfly” aims to rehabilitate the degraded dams and to create a wetland habitat for wildlife. Soil in the vicinity of the dams has been compacted leading to erosion. For more information on Dragonfly and to view the venue please visit FoMM’s website at

Biodiversity in your Backyard. Suburban Stewardship for a Sustainable City
When: Wednesday, 23 May 2007, 7.30pm
Where: Blue Gum School Friends’ Lounge, Hackett Shops
What is biodiversity and how do ecosystems it supports affect the health and sustainability of our city? Beth Mitchell, Biodiversity Projects Manager at the ANU will talk about TEN simple, practical, low cost things you can do to improve biodiversity and ecosystem function in YOUR BACKYARD, suburb and city.
Please visit our website for more information and to download a poster or flyers for distribution.

Preview: World Environment Day 2007 Walk Talk and Tea on Mt Majura – Sunday 3 June
As in the past two years we will celebrate World Environment Day with a Walk Talk and Tea on Mt Majura. This is a wonderful opportunity to share our achievements with the wider community, see the progress of FoMM projects and celebrate the heritage of our urban bushland Reserve.
Please make a note in your diary. Information on this event will be distributed closer to the date.
I’m looking for someone who could help with the event such as collecting activity sheets, taking photos, making notes and writing up a report. Donations of cakes & muffins would be highly appreciated.

That’s it from my side.
Warm regards

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